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The eBoss REST API.

We have the following types of entity :

  • Standard Entity (Like a Candidate or a Company that stands alone)
  • A list entity (Like a list of Industries or Countries)
  • A link entity (A simple entity that links a Industry to a Candidate)

Response Options

Response can be received in the following format:

    xml       : XML format
    json      : Standard JSON format
    csv       : Text to be utilized as CSV
    html      : HTML format
    php       : Returns Array
    serialize : Serialized PHP Object

Example for XML Response:

Getting an API Key

Watch a video here on how to get your API key set up.

Developer Mode

Enabling dev_mode will display extra data in response required for troubleshooting, like MySQL query constructed.

    1: Enable
    0: Disable

    Default: 0

Using eBoss API 


All API requests must be authenticated. Authentication parameters must be passed through GET parameter query.


Applicable to all API endpoints.

Example authentication on activity list request:


  • Parameters
  • api_uname
    string (required) Example: username

    The name of the API user.

    string (required) Example: password

    The password of the API user.

    string (required) Example: API_KEY

    The API key.

  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "id": "2",
                    "activity_type_id": "1",
                    "user_id": "100",
                    "linked_record_id": "101",
                    "activity_datetime": "2013-09-13 10:34:46"
                    "id": "266",
                    "activity_type_id": "1",
                    "user_id": "100",
                    "linked_record_id": "144",
                    "activity_datetime": "2013-10-11 10:35:26"
                    "id": "605",
                    "activity_type_id": "2",
                    "user_id": "123",
                    "linked_record_id": "126",
                    "activity_datetime": "2013-11-12 15:59:49"
            "message": "",
            "count": 10,
            "total": 532,
            "page": 0
Next  Previous


Simple Filter 

Filters results based on parameters given. Applicable to all API endpoints.
Use ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS for date.

Simple Filter

A simple search which requires field and value.

Example filter where id is equal to 1:


  • Parameters
  • field
    string (optional) Example: id

    Any field name.

    string (optional) 

    The value to search for.

  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "id": "2",
                    "activity_type_id": "1",
                    "user_id": "100",
                    "linked_record_id": "101",
                    "activity_datetime": "2013-09-13 10:34:46"
                    "id": "266",
                    "activity_type_id": "1",
                    "user_id": "100",
                    "linked_record_id": "144",
                    "activity_datetime": "2013-10-11 10:35:26"
                    "id": "605",
                    "activity_type_id": "2",
                    "user_id": "123",
                    "linked_record_id": "126",
                    "activity_datetime": "2013-11-12 15:59:49"
            "message": "",
            "count": 50,
            "total": 532,
            "page": 10

Comparison Filter 

Filters results based on parameters given. Applicable to all API endpoints.
Use ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS for date.

Comparison Filter

A search which compares field and its value using an operators like “greater than” or “less than”.

Example filter:

  1. Get all “Activity” where date is greater than 01-01-2012


  1. Get all “companies” where created date is greater than 2012-10-10.


  • Parameters
  • field
    string (optional) Example: id

    Any field name.

    string (optional) Example: 10

    The value to search for/the lower value to compare to.

    string (optional) Example: lt

    Operators to be used for searching.

    Choices: lt gt lte gte ne

  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                            "id": "0",
                            "created_from": "web",
                            "company_name": "Taylor Made",
                            "date_incorporated": null,
                            "fax_number": "",
                            "web_url": "",
                            "postcode": "",
                            "address1": "",
                            "address2": "",
                            "address3": "",
                            "city": "",
                            "region_id": "703",
                            "status": "2",
                            "client_profile": "",
                            "candidates_interviewed": null,
                            "credit_limit": "0",
                            "date_created": "2014-02-20 00:00:00",
                            "status1": "sales",
                            "date_status1": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
                            "status2": "target",
                            "date_status2": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
                            "salutation_id": null,
                            "source_id": null,
                            "is_flagged": "0",
                            "flagged_comment": "",
                            "date_updated": "2014-03-07 05:48:18",
                            "industry_id": null,
                            "employee_range": "0",
                            "phone1": "",
                            "phone2": "",
                            "skype_id": "",
                            "facebook_url": "",
                            "linkedin_url": "",
                            "twitter_url": "",
                            "latitude": null,
                            "longitude": null,
                            "date_deleted": null,
                            "date_last_contacted": null
            "message": "",
            "count": 50,
            "total": 532,
            "page": 10

Range Filter 

Filters results based on parameters given. Applicable to all API endpoints.
Use ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS for date.

Range Filter

Returns result based on range values given.

Example request:

  • Parameters
  • field
    string (optional) Example: date_created

    Any field name.

    string (optional) Example: 2012-10-10

    The value to search for/the lower value to compare to.

    string (optional) Example: 2013-10-10

    The higher value to compare to.

  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                            "id": "0",
                            "created_from": "web",
                            "company_name": "Taylor Made",
                            "date_incorporated": null,
                            "fax_number": "",
                            "web_url": "",
                            "postcode": "",
                            "address1": "",
                            "address2": "",
                            "address3": "",
                            "city": "",
                            "region_id": "703",
                            "status": "2",
                            "client_profile": "",
                            "candidates_interviewed": null,
                            "credit_limit": "0",
                            "date_created": "2014-02-20 00:00:00",
                            "status1": "sales",
                            "date_status1": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
                            "status2": "target",
                            "date_status2": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
                            "salutation_id": null,
                            "source_id": null,
                            "is_flagged": "0",
                            "flagged_comment": "",
                            "date_updated": "2014-03-07 05:48:18",
                            "industry_id": null,
                            "employee_range": "0",
                            "phone1": "",
                            "phone2": "",
                            "skype_id": "",
                            "facebook_url": "",
                            "linkedin_url": "",
                            "twitter_url": "",
                            "latitude": null,
                            "longitude": null,
                            "date_deleted": null,
                            "date_last_contacted": null
            "message": "",
            "count": 50,
            "total": 532,
            "page": 10


Paginate results based on parameters given.

Paginate result
  • Parameters
  • page
    Number (optional) Default: 0 Example: 1

    The page number.

    Choices: 0 1

    Number (optional) Default: 0 Example: 1

    The entry to start from.

    Choices: 0 1

    Number (optional) Default: 10 Example: 50

    The number of entries per page.

    Choices: 10 50

    string (optional) Example: id

    The field name on which entries will be sorted by.

    Choices: id activity_datetime

    string (optional) Example: id

    The field name to pass on which second column sorting will be applied.

    Choices: id activity_datetime

    string (optional) Default: asc Example: desc

    Sort order to be applied on first field name.

    Choices: asc desc

    string (optional) Default: asc Example: desc

    Sort order to be applied on second field name.

    Choices: asc desc

  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "id": "2",
                    "activity_type_id": "1",
                    "user_id": "100",
                    "linked_record_id": "101",
                    "activity_datetime": "2013-09-13 10:34:46"
                    "id": "266",
                    "activity_type_id": "1",
                    "user_id": "100",
                    "linked_record_id": "144",
                    "activity_datetime": "2013-10-11 10:35:26"
                    "id": "605",
                    "activity_type_id": "2",
                    "user_id": "123",
                    "linked_record_id": "126",
                    "activity_datetime": "2013-11-12 15:59:49"
            "message": "",
            "count": 50,
            "total": 532,
            "page": 10
Next  Previous

Custom Calls 

Custom Process 

Custom calls are used when there is very specific requirements, which cannot be fulfilled by using regular APIs.
With custom calls, you supply a query to the service to receive required data

Required Parameter

sql (String) : The sql query.

Custom Call

This is demonstrated below how call can be made in PHP.

    $data = array(
      'sql' => "select activity.*, activity_type.* from activity 
      left join activity_type 
      on (activity.activity_type_id =",

    $url = "/custom/process/";
    $ch = curl_init($url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
    $result = curl_exec($ch);

Filters apply on custom calls in a same way as a regular calls.
When using custom query, you must supply table name with field names you need. For example, you need to query all the activities.
So the valid sql will be like : SELECT activity.* from activity.
You cannot pass specific columns in the query. Instead you use * clause and than use ‘select’ parameter of api to filter the columns you need.
For example,

  $sql = 'SELECT activity.* from activity';
      $post = array('sql' => $sql);

      $api_arg = array(
        'custom' => 'process',
        'sortname' => 'job.added_datetime',
        'sortorder' => 'desc',
        'rp' => 10,
        'select' => 'id,name' // passing "id" is mendatory

      if ($page > 0)
        $api_arg['page'] = $page - 1;

      $data = api_call(built_api_url($api_arg), $post);

where api_call is function to make a curl request.

  • Response  201
Next  Previous

File Operations 

List File 

List all files for a given candidate.

List all files

Get all candidate’s files.

Example of listing all files:


  • Parameters
  • candidate_id
    Number (required) Example: 1

    The id of the candidate whose files to be listed.

  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                {"key": "sources_admindemo/cv/a0/101/Jackie's C.V..rtf"}

Download File 

Downloads a specific required file.
Response will contain content type of the object and base64 encoded file data.

Download Candidate File

Download candidate files.

Download a file with candidate id = 101, having file name = MembersArea_cv_Website test sheet0400.doc


  • Parameters
  • candidate_id
    Number (required) Example: 1

    The id of the candidate.

    Number (required) Example:  sheet0400.doc

    The filename of the file to be downloaded.

  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
        {"contenttype":"application\/msword","content":"base64 encoded data file"}       

Upload file 

Upload file to the server.

  • Response
    • Headers Accept-Charset: utf-8 Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x
    • Body {candidate_id: 1, filename: resume.doc, data: data}
Upload Candidate File

Upload file to candidate’s account.

File upload attributes:

candidate_id (Number) : The id of the candidate.
filename (String) : The filename of the file to be uploaded.
data (Multipart-formdata) : The file data to be uploaded.

Example implementation in PHP:

    $url = "/files/upload";
         * @note use CurlFile for file upload if you have PHP version 5.5.0 or higher
         * @see
         * @example "data" => new CurlFile()
    $data = array(
        "candidate_id" => "ID",
        "filename" => "test.doc",
        "data" => "@" . "ABSOLUTE PATH TO FILE // can be $_FILES['resume']['tmp_name']"

      $ch = curl_init($url);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
      $result = curl_exec($ch);

      if (FALSE === $result)
        throw new Exception(curl_error($ch), curl_errno($ch));

    catch (Exception $e)
      trigger_error(sprintf('Curl failed with error #%d: %s', $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()), E_USER_ERROR);
  • Response  201

Delete file 

Delete file request.

Delete Candidate File

Delete candidate file on the server.

Delete file attributes:

candidate_id (Number) : The id of the candidate.
filename (String) : The filename of the file to be uploaded.


    $url = "/files/delete/candidate_id/ID/filename/test.doc";
    $ch = curl_init($url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'DELETE');
    $result = curl_exec($ch);
  • Response  204

Parsing CV 

Parses a given document and returns XML response.

Parse CV

Parses CV document.

Parsing CV attributes:

data (Document) : The CV document data in base_64 endoded mode.



  • Response  201

CV Parse and Add/Update 

Parses a given file and add candidate with attached file.

Parse, Add, and Update CV

CV Parsing, Adding and Updating.

CV Parse and Add/Update attributes:

filename (String) : The name of file in format it will appear as candidate attachment.
data (Document) : CV document passed as $_FILES[‘data’] so we can upload and then attach it to candidate.



  • Response  201
Next  Previous


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Activity related resources of the eBoss API

Activity attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
activity_type_id (Number) : Activity type id
user_id (Number) : User id
linked_record_id (Number) : Linked record id
activity_datetime (DateTime) : Date and time of an activity. Use ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

Activity List 

Get activity list

Returns activity list.

Get a list of activities example:

  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "id": "2",
                    "activity_type_id": "1",
                    "user_id": "100",
                    "linked_record_id": "101",
                    "activity_datetime": "2013-09-13 10:34:46"
                    "id": "266",
                    "activity_type_id": "1",
                    "user_id": "100",
                    "linked_record_id": "144",
                    "activity_datetime": "2013-10-11 10:35:26"
                    "id": "605",
                    "activity_type_id": "2",
                    "user_id": "123",
                    "linked_record_id": "126",
                    "activity_datetime": "2013-11-12 15:59:49"
            "message": "",
            "count": 50,
            "total": 532,

Create Activity 

Create/Edit an activity
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    { "id": "1","activity_type_id": "1","user_id":"100","linked_record_id":"101","activity_datetime":"2013-09-13 10:34:46"}
  • Response  201
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    { "id": "1","activity_type_id": "1","user_id":"100","linked_record_id":"101","activity_datetime":"2013-09-13 10:34:46"}

Delete Activity 

Delete an activity
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    { "id": "1"}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Activity Type 

Activity Type related resources of the eBoss API

Activity Type attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
name (String) : Activity type name

Activity Type List 

Get activity type list

Returns activity type list.

Get a list of activity types example:

  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "id": "1",
                    "name": "search for candidate"
                    "id": "2",
                    "name": "search for client"
                    "id": "3",
                    "name": "search for candidate"
                    "id": "4",
                    "name": "search for client"
            "message": "",
            "count": 4,
            "total": 4,
            "page": 0

Create Activity Type 

Create/Edit an activity type
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    { "id": "1","name": "activity name"}
  • Response  201
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    { "id": "1","name": "activity name"}

Delete Activity Type 

Delete an activity type
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
  • Response  204
Next  Previous


Availability related resources of the eBoss API

Availability attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
user_id (Number) : The user id.
is_morning (Number) : Is available during morning
is_evening (Number) : Is available during evening
is_night (Number) : Is available at night
is_holiday (Number) : Is available on holiday
date (DateTime) : Date of availability

Availability List 

Get availability list

Returns availability list.

Get a list of availabilities example:

  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "id": "1",
                    "name": "availablity name"
            "message": "",
            "count": 4,
            "total": 4,
            "page": 0

Create Availability 

Create/Edit an availability
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    { "id": "1","name": "availability name"}
  • Response  201

Delete Availability 

Delete an availability
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json X-Request-ID: f72fc914 X-Response-Time: 4ms 
  • Response  204
Next  Previous


Candidate related resources of the eBoss API

Candidate attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
created_from (String) : The source of where the registration came from. Example is "web".
first_name (String) : The Candidate’s first/given name.
surname (String) : The candidate’s surname.
birth_date (Date) : The candidate’s birthday.
main_phone (String) : Mmain phone number.
mobile_phone (String) : Mobile phone number
work_phone (String) : Work phone number
address1 (String) : The candidate’s address.
address2 (String) : The candidate’s address.
city (String) : City name.
postcode (String) : Postal code.
country_id (Number) : The candidate’s country id.
notice (Number) : notice status.
work_permit (Number) : Working permit.
current_duties (String) : The candidate working history
ideal_start_date (DateTime) : Ideal start date.
expiry_time (DateTime) : Expiry time.
experience (String) : Candidate experiences.
is_active (Number) : Activate account.
is_active (Number) : Activation status.
pending (Number) : Pending status.
is_active_search (Number) : Activate account.
notes_alert (Number) : Notes alert status.
notes_alert_date (DateTime) : Notes alert date.
job_type_id (Number) : Job type Id.
job_title_id (Number) : Job title id.
industry_id (Number) : Industry id.
skill1_id (Number) : Skill id.
skill12_id (Number) : Secondary skill id.
notes_alert (Number) : Notes alert status.
industry_other_id (Number) : Industry other id.
region_id (Number) : Region Id.
registration_number (Number) : Registration number.
added_datetime (DateTime) : Date and time added.
references (Number) :
UCNMC (Number) :
UCNMCNotes (String) : Candidate education history
keyword (String) :
keyword2 (String) :
UCEmailClients (String) :
UCForCV (String) :
status (String) :
status_set_datetime (DateTime) :
relevant_courses (String) :
salary_range (Number) :
salutation_id (Number) :
has_photo (Number) : Status if candidate has photo.
is_internal (Number) :
email2 (Number) :
mobile2 (Number) :
mobile_prefix (Number) :
hourly_rate (Number) :
source_id (Number) :
is_flagged (Number) :
flagged_comment (Number) :
skill3_id (Number) :
updated_at (DateTime) :
ni_number (String) :
traffic_id (Number) :
qualification_year (DateTime) :
traffic_id (Number) :
current_employer (String) :
gender (Number) : Enum value for gender.
region (String) :
contact_id (Number) :
skype (String) :
facebook_url (String) :
linkedin_url (String) :
twitter_url (String) :
is_indexed (Number) :
added_datetime (Number) :
deleted_datetime (DateTime) :
latitude (Number) :
longitude (Number) :
grade (String) :

Candidate List 

Get candidate list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "id": "0",
                    "created_from": null,
                    "email": "",
                    "first_name": "Ileana",
                    "surname": "Ileana",
                    "birth_date": "0000-00-00",
                    "main_phone": null,
                    "mobile_phone": "3456789234",
                    "work_phone": null,
                    "address1": null,
                    "address2": null,
                    "city": null,
                    "postcode": null,
                    "country_id": null,
                    "notice": null,
                    "work_permit": null,
                    "current_duties": null,
                    "ideal_start_date": null,
                    "expiry_time": null,
                    "experience": null,
                    "is_active": "2",
                    "pending": "0000-00-00",
                    "is_active_search": "0",
                    "notes_alert": "0",
                    "notes_alert_date": "0000-00-00",
                    "job_type_id": "1",
                    "job_title_id": "1",
                    "industry_id": "1",
                    "skill1_id": null,
                    "skill2_id": null,
                    "industry_other_id": null,
                    "region_id": "666",
                    "registration_number": null,
                    "added_datetime": null,
                    "references": null,
                    "UCNMC": "1",
                    "UCNMCNotes": null,
                    "keyword": null,
                    "keyword2": null,
                    "UCEmailClients": null,
                    "UCForCV": null,
                    "status": "new",
                    "status_set_datetime": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
                    "relevant_courses": "",
                    "salary_range": "0",
                    "salutation_id": "0",
                    "has_photo": null,
                    "is_internal": "0",
                    "email2": null,
                    "mobile2": null,
                    "mobile_prefix": null,
                    "hourly_rate": null,
                    "source_id": null,
                    "is_flagged": "0",
                    "flagged_comment": null,
                    "skill3_id": null,
                    "updated_at": null,
                    "ni_number": null,
                    "traffic_id": "0",
                    "qualification_year": null,
                    "current_employer": null,
                    "gender": "0",
                    "region": null,
                    "contact_id": null,
                    "skype": null,
                    "facebook_url": null,
                    "linkedin_url": null,
                    "twitter_url": null,
                    "is_indexed": "0",
                    "deleted_datetime": null,
                    "latitude": null,
                    "longitude": null,
                    "grade": null
            "message": "",
            "count": 10,
            "total": 125,
            "page": 0

Create Candidate 

Create/Edit a candidate
  • Response  201

Delete Candidate 

Delete a candidate
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Candidate Competency 

Candidate Competency related resources of the eBoss API

Candidate Competency attributes:

candidate_id (Number) : Unique identifier
competency_id (Number) : The competency Id

Candidate Competency List 

Get candidate competency list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "candidate_id": "181",
                    "competency_id": "223"
                    "candidate_id": "181",
                    "competency_id": "245"
                    "candidate_id": "181",
                    "competency_id": "358"
                    "candidate_id": "181",
                    "competency_id": "407"
                    "candidate_id": "181",
                    "competency_id": "14860"
                    "candidate_id": "181",
                    "competency_id": "14917"
                    "candidate_id": "181",
                    "competency_id": "15353"
                    "candidate_id": "181",
                    "competency_id": "15859"
                    "candidate_id": "181",
                    "competency_id": "16718"
                    "candidate_id": "181",
                    "competency_id": "16820"
            "message": "",
            "count": 10,
            "total": 12672,
            "page": 0

Create Competency 

Create/Edit a candiate competency
  • Response  201

Delete Competency 

Delete a candiate competency
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Candidate Experience 

Candidate Experience related resources of the eBoss API

Candidate Experience attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
candidate_id (Number) : Candidate Id
description (String) :
months_of_work_experience (Number) :
years_of_work_experience (Number) :
months_of_management_experience (Number) :
years_of_management_experience (Number) :
current_management_level (String) :
highest_management_score (Number) :
executive_type (String) :
management_story (String) :

Candidate Experience List 

Get candidate experience list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: applicaiton/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "candidate_id": "171",
                        "id": "1",
                        "description": "The candidate's experience appears to be concentrated in Sales / General, with exposure to Sales / General. The candidate has 6 years of work experience, with no management experience.",
                        "months_of_work_experience": "69",
                        "years_of_work_experience": "6",
                        "months_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "years_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "current_management_level": "no",
                        "highest_management_score": "0",
                        "executive_type": "",
                        "management_story": "no"
                        "candidate_id": "174",
                        "id": "3",
                        "description": "Barry Curran's experience appears to be concentrated in Engineering / General Engineering, with exposure to Engineering / General Engineering. Barry Curran has 10 years of work experience, with no management experience.",
                        "months_of_work_experience": "119",
                        "years_of_work_experience": "10",
                        "months_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "years_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "current_management_level": "no",
                        "highest_management_score": "0",
                        "executive_type": "",
                        "management_story": "no"
                        "candidate_id": "199",
                        "id": "15",
                        "description": "EDWARD SMITH's experience appears to be concentrated in Education / Positions, with exposure to Training / Other. EDWARD SMITH has 14 years of work experience, with no management experience.",
                        "months_of_work_experience": "170",
                        "years_of_work_experience": "14",
                        "months_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "years_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "current_management_level": "no",
                        "highest_management_score": "0",
                        "executive_type": "",
                        "management_story": "no"
                        "candidate_id": "202",
                        "id": "2",
                        "description": "Robert Mansfield's experience appears to be concentrated in Sales / General, with exposure to Hotel and Hospitality / Food Industry Classifications. Robert Mansfield has 12 years of work experience, with no management experience.",
                        "months_of_work_experience": "148",
                        "years_of_work_experience": "12",
                        "months_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "years_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "current_management_level": "no",
                        "highest_management_score": "0",
                        "executive_type": "",
                        "management_story": "no"
                        "candidate_id": "203",
                        "id": "4",
                        "description": "William Lowe's experience appears to be concentrated in Engineering / General Engineering, with exposure to QA and QC / Techniques. William Lowe has 29 years of work experience, with no management experience.",
                        "months_of_work_experience": "348",
                        "years_of_work_experience": "29",
                        "months_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "years_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "current_management_level": "no",
                        "highest_management_score": "0",
                        "executive_type": "",
                        "management_story": "no"
                        "candidate_id": "9466",
                        "id": "5",
                        "description": "Barry Grimes's experience appears to be concentrated in Training / One On One, with exposure to Finance / Trading. Barry Grimes's experience appears to be LOWER-TO-MID LEVEL, with about 3 years of experience, with several years tenure in management, including a mid-level position.",
                        "months_of_work_experience": "37",
                        "years_of_work_experience": "3",
                        "months_of_management_experience": "36",
                        "years_of_management_experience": "3",
                        "current_management_level": "no",
                        "highest_management_score": "55",
                        "executive_type": "",
                        "management_story": "Starting on 1/1/1995, the candidate held the following mid-level management position for 3 years:\n\tTitle: Shift Manager I for WHSmith"
                        "candidate_id": "9467",
                        "id": "6",
                        "description": "Robert Mansfield's experience appears to be concentrated in Sales / General, with exposure to Hotel and Hospitality / Food Industry Classifications. Robert Mansfield has 12 years of work experience, with no management experience.",
                        "months_of_work_experience": "148",
                        "years_of_work_experience": "12",
                        "months_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "years_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "current_management_level": "no",
                        "highest_management_score": "0",
                        "executive_type": "",
                        "management_story": "no"
                        "candidate_id": "9468",
                        "id": "7",
                        "description": "William Lowe's experience appears to be concentrated in Engineering / General Engineering, with exposure to QA and QC / Techniques. William Lowe has 29 years of work experience, with no management experience.",
                        "months_of_work_experience": "351",
                        "years_of_work_experience": "29",
                        "months_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "years_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "current_management_level": "no",
                        "highest_management_score": "0",
                        "executive_type": "",
                        "management_story": "no"
                        "candidate_id": "9469",
                        "id": "8",
                        "description": "William Lowe's experience appears to be concentrated in Engineering / General Engineering, with exposure to QA and QC / Techniques. William Lowe has 29 years of work experience, with no management experience.",
                        "months_of_work_experience": "351",
                        "years_of_work_experience": "29",
                        "months_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "years_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "current_management_level": "no",
                        "highest_management_score": "0",
                        "executive_type": "",
                        "management_story": "no"
                        "candidate_id": "9470",
                        "id": "9",
                        "description": "William Lowe's experience appears to be concentrated in Engineering / General Engineering, with exposure to QA and QC / Techniques. William Lowe has 29 years of work experience, with no management experience.",
                        "months_of_work_experience": "351",
                        "years_of_work_experience": "29",
                        "months_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "years_of_management_experience": "0",
                        "current_management_level": "no",
                        "highest_management_score": "0",
                        "executive_type": "",
                        "management_story": "no"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 16,
                "page": 0

Create Experience 

Create/Edit a candidate experience
  • Response  201

Delete Experience 

Delete a candiate experience
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Candidate Info 

Candidate Info related resources of the eBoss API

Candidate Info attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
candidate_id (Number) : Candidate Id
employment_history (String) :
education_history (String) :
profile (String) :
more_info (String) :
created_datetime (DateTime) :
created_datetime (DateTime) :

Candidate Info List 

Get candidate info list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "id": "1",
                        "candidate_id": "101",
                        "employment_history": "\n\n(March - On-going)\nTo hold a case load of 40 learners, taking them through their Diploma's in Health & Social Care, including Functional Skills, Technical Certificates and Employment Responsibilities and Rights. I travelled as far as North Allerton and in and around Yorkshire.\n\nCare Manager, Caremark Bradford, Bradford Chamber Business Park  New Lane, Laisterdyke, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD4 8BX\n(July 2012 to October)\nTo manage team of carers, ensure the business meets CQC Standards, assess and review customers, ensure all data is up to date and complete, liaise with professionals regarding provision of service, building a customer base and ensuring that national care standards are adhered to.\n\nNoor House\nCare Co Coordinator\nCare Co Coordinator, Bradnet, Noor House, Bradford Lane, Bradford, BD3 8LP\n(NOV 2011 to JUNE 2012)\nTo supervise a team of carers, assess new service users, complete service user reviews, ligase with professionals and ensure the service runs smoothly\n\nOlicanna House Location Chapel Street Bradford BD1\nHomecare Senior\nHomecare Senior, Olicanna House Location Chapel Street Bradford BD1, Bradford\n(2003 to June 2011)\nManaged a team of home care assistants, programming their day to day work ensuring that staff hours are full and staff work to these hours, completing appraisals, supervision and identifying and arranging any training that may be required, dealing with staff sickness, annual leave and ensuring all work is covered. I also liaise with service users, their families and other professionals completing reviews of care packages, quality assurance visits and deal with issues that may arise. Also assessing risks and making provision to reduce or remove these. As part of my senior role I input data onto the Payroll systems and information regarding Service users onto the AIS systems. I also record data on spread sheets and set up computerised file systems for recording various information.\n\nCarlton Homecare\nHomecare Assistant\nHomecare Assistant, Carlton Homecare, Blue Bell/134 Leeds Rd Shipley BD18 1BX\n(2001 to 2003)\nVisiting Adults in the community to assist with personal care tasks, preparing meals, doing laundry/shopping and other light domestic duties\n\nUnemployed\n\nUnemployed,\n(2000 to 2001)\nPeriod of unemployment\n\nJLC Cleaning Services\nProprietor\nProprietor, JLC Cleaning Services, Bradford\n(1998 to 2000)\nSet up small contract cleaning company specialising in offices, night clubs and private homes. Completed annual tax returns, managed small staff base, purchased stock, equipment etc.\n\n",
                        "education_history": "Key Skills\n\n1 Good organizational skills\n1 Excellent person centered attitude\n1 I have implemented and supported staff/service users through times of change\n1 I am conscientious, hard - working, reliable and resourceful\n1 I have MCI Level 3 and 4 in Management\n1 I have NVQ Level 2 in Health and Social Care\n1 I hold a valid 1st Aid At Work certificate\n1 I have set up and completed Data Input systems\n1 I have good problem solving skills\n1 I have undertaken various sector based training and received certificates for these\n1 I have good communication skills\n1 I have forged and maintained excellent relationships within a multi-disciplinary team.\n1 I have certificates for:\n1 Managing and developing a team\n1 Coaching and Mentoring\n1 Managers Moving and Handling and the update of this\n1 Mental Capacity - Operational Managers\n1 Success At Work\n1 Preventing and Handling Violence and Aggression\n1 Promoting Independence\n1 Microsoft Word level 2\n1 Handling Complaints\n1 Managing Meetings\n1 Personal safety when working alone\n1 Food Hygiene\n1 Adult Protection Awareness level 1\n1 Principals of Palliative care\n1 Communication tactics with Deaf People\n1 Train the Trainer\n1 As well as ELearning courses:\n1 Asbestos Awareness\n1 Display Screen Equipment\n1 Electrical Safety\n1 Environmental Awareness\n1 Fire Safety Awareness\n1 Managing Safety\n1 Manual Handling Awareness\n1 Noise Awareness\n1 Office Safety\n1 Working at heights\n1 Equality Diversity\n1 NVQ Level 3 Assessor\n2 TAQA Level 3 Award\n3 Safeguarding & Safer Recruiting\n4 Safeguarding\n\n",
                        "profile": "",
                        "more_info": null,
                        "created_datetime": null,
                        "updated_datetime": null
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 419,
                "page": 0

Create Candidate Info 

Create/Edit a candidate info
  • Response  201

Delete Candidate Info 

Delete a candidate Info
  • Response  204
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Client Contact 

Client Contact related resources of the eBoss API

Client Contact attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
user_id (Number) :
name (String) :
email (String) :
main_phone (String) :
position (String) :
fax (String) :
is_active (Number) :
salutation_id (Number) :
email2 (String) :
email2 (String) :
phone2 (String) :
address1 (String) :
address2 (String) :
address3 (String) :
city (String) :
postcode (String) :
branch (String) :
country_id (String) :
region_id (String) :
candidate_id (Number) :
skype (String) :
facebook_url (String) :
linkedin_url (String) :
twitter_url (String) :
latitude (String) :
longitude (String) :
updated_datetime (DateTime) :
deleted_datetime (DateTime) :

Client Contact List 

Get client contact list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "id": "1",
                    "user_id": "119",
                    "name": "david smith",
                    "email": "",
                    "main_phone": "cont numb",
                    "mobile_phone": "",
                    "position": "",
                    "fax": "",
                    "is_active": "2",
                    "salutation_id": null,
                    "email2": null,
                    "phone2": "comp numb",
                    "address1": null,
                    "address2": null,
                    "address3": null,
                    "city": null,
                    "postcode": null,
                    "branch": null,
                    "country_id": null,
                    "region_id": null,
                    "candidate_id": null,
                    "skype": null,
                    "facebook_url": null,
                    "linkedin_url": null,
                    "twitter_url": null,
                    "latitude": null,
                    "longitude": null,
                    "updated_datetime": "2013-09-15 12:44:54",
                    "deleted_datetime": null
            "message": "",
            "count": 10,
            "total": 87,
            "page": 0

Create Contact 

Create/Edit a client contact
  • Response  201

Delete Client Contact 

Delete a client contact
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Client Contact Notes 

Client Contact Notes related resources of the eBoss API

Client Contact Notes attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
client_id (Number) :
content (String) :
added_datetime (DateTime) :
contact_id (Number) :
is_read (Number) :
type_id (Number) :
is_reminder (Number) :
reminder_id (Number) :

Client Contact Notes List 

Get client contact notes list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "id": "1",
                    "client_id": "0",
                    "content": "Carmen Berry: Testing pipeline",
                    "added_datetime": "2013-10-21 11:11:32",
                    "contact_id": "0",
                    "is_read": "0",
                    "type_id": "0",
                    "is_reminder": "0",
                    "reminder_id": "0"
                    "id": "2",
                    "client_id": "0",
                    "content": "Carmen Berry: Testing new addition to pipeline",
                    "added_datetime": "2013-10-21 11:13:50",
                    "contact_id": "0",
                    "is_read": "0",
                    "type_id": "0",
                    "is_reminder": "0",
                    "reminder_id": "0"
                    "id": "3",
                    "client_id": "24",
                    "content": "Carmen Berry: Sent email.\nSubject: send login details.\n<br /><p>\r\n\tDear Sharon</p>\r\n<p>\r\n\tPlease find below access details for the members area for http://</p>\r\n<p>\r\n\tfor Bubba Supplies</p>\r\n<p>\r\n\tTo login tot he members area, use the following details</p>\r\n<p>\r\n\tLogin ID: 5269060e29978</p>\r\n<p>\r\n\tPassword: </p>\r\n<p>\r\n\tLogin URL: <a href=''></a></p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>\r\n\tBest regards</p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>\r\n\tRegards</p>\r\n<p>\r\n\tSupport</p>\r\n<br />",
                    "added_datetime": "2013-10-24 12:56:12",
                    "contact_id": "0",
                    "is_read": "0",
                    "type_id": "6",
                    "is_reminder": "0",
                    "reminder_id": "0"
            "message": "",
            "count": 3,
            "total": 3,
            "page": 0

Create Contact Notes 

Create/Edit a client contact notes
  • Response  201

Delete Client Contact Notes 

Delete a client contact notes
  • Response  204
Next  Previous


Companies related resources of the eBoss API

Companies attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
client_id (Number) :
created_from String :
company_name String :
date_incorporated DateTime :
fax_number String:
date_last_contactedDateTime :

Companies List 

Get companies list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "id": "128",
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                        "address3": "Castle Donington",
                        "city": "Derby",
                        "region_id": "729",
                        "status": "2",
                        "client_profile": null,
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Create Company 

Create/Edit a company
  • Response  201

Delete Company 

Delete a company
  • Response  204
Next  Previous


Job related resources of the eBoss API

Job attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
UID (Number) : Refers to job owner - client ID (users_groups_clients.UID)
job_title (String) :
detail (String) :
salary (Number) :
added_datetime (DateTime) :
JIsActiveO (Number) : Flag if job is available for web search. (frontend)
JIsActiveP (Number) :
JIsActiveN (Number) :
from_date (DateTime) :
to_date (DateTime) :
note1 (String) :
note2 (String) :
postcode (String) :
interview_date (DateTime) : Job interview date.
is_internal (Number) : Status if it is an internal company job.
hourly_rate (Number) :
free_text_title (String) :
is_attached (Number) :
salary_note (String) :
commission (Number) :
salary2 (Number) :
slug (String) :
charge_rate (Number) :
pay_rate (Number) :
latitude (Number) :
longitude (Number) :
updated_datetime (DateTime) :
deleted_datetime (DateTime) :
commission_flat (Number) :

Job List 

Get job list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "id": "1",
                        "UID": "127",
                        "job_title": "Artisan Bread Maker",
                        "detail": "<div>\r\n\tArtisan Bread Baker required for new city centre eatery</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\tWho we are:</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\tWe are opening an exciting new venture in Liverpool city centre in the New Year; an all-day slow food eatery with fresh artisan breads baked on site and a small seasonal menu featuring locally sourced fresh ingredients. We want to bring a new way of dining to Liverpool.&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\tWe are a start-up business with ambition and passion for good food. The owner/managers are experienced, will be on site during business hours and working full time as part of the bakehouse team. We are looking to recruit a like-minded Artisan Bread Baker to join the team and work under the directive of the head chef. We want a candidate who would like to grow with our business and views their position in the long term. This role is for someone who is looking not just for a job but for a career.</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\tWho you are:</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\tOur ideal candidate, will have relevant and recent work experience in a bakery and show excellent baking skills and knowledge. They must be keen to become part of a friendly team and use their experience and initiative to assist in creating a unique and successful eatery.&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\tYou must have passion, flair, a good work ethic and respond well under pressure.</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\tAmongst other duties, the bread Baker will be responsible for producing sour dough and bulk fermentation, contribute to developing new menus, monitor quality control at every stage and help in building relationships with suppliers. In addition he/she will have excellent knowledge of bakery kitchens and equipment and ensure Health &amp; Safety and Food Safety standards are being met and maintained.</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\tMain Duties:</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t- Responsible for production of all bread items and morning goods working to a high specification.&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t- Sound knowledge of artisan bread and vienoisserie pastry items.&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t- Good team player with an emphasis on good food hygiene practices.&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t- Clean and tidy work ethic with a desire to trial new products.</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t- Training new members of the team</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\tEssential:</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t- MUST BE ABLE TO DEMONSTRATE STRONG BAKERY WORKING EXPERIENCE</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t- As the Baker you will responsible for the production of all the breads and pastries and be able to deliver high quality artisan products.&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t-Strong knowledge about different dough&rsquo;s and working with vienoisserie (pastry, danishes, croissants etc)&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t-Positive, can-do attitude</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t-Must be comfortable taking control and offering creative input&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\tPlease send a CV and full covering letter clearly showing your suitability for this role and a list of references when applying for this position. Please note that referees will not be contacted without your consent.</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\tWhat else you may want to know:</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\tSalary is negotiable depending on experience.</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\tThis is an incredible opportunity for a skilled and driven individual to be part of a strong business and assist in driving a new concept into the city centre.</div>\r\n",
                        "salary": "16500",
                        "added_datetime": "2014-02-19 14:48:12",
                        "JIsActiveO": "0",
                        "JIsActiveP": "2",
                        "JIsActiveN": "2",
                        "from_date": "2013-09-25",
                        "to_date": "2014-10-25 00:00:00",
                        "note1": "",
                        "note2": "",
                        "postcode": "",
                        "interview_date": "2013-09-25",
                        "is_internal": "0",
                        "hourly_rate": null,
                        "free_text_title": null,
                        "is_attached": "0",
                        "salary_note": null,
                        "commission": "0.00",
                        "salary2": "17500",
                        "slug": "artisan-bread-maker-jid1",
                        "charge_rate": null,
                        "pay_rate": null,
                        "latitude": null,
                        "longitude": null,
                        "updated_datetime": null,
                        "deleted_datetime": null,
                        "commission_flat": "0.00"
                        "id": "2",
                        "UID": "136",
                        "job_title": "Kitchen Fitter",
                        "detail": "<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tOur client is an expanding construction and interiors business. Due to our growing business, we have a requirement for a number of self employed professional kitchen fitters working within Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and North London.</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tThe ideal candidate will be a motivated and experienced kitchen fitters/joiners/carpenters, who are looking for regular working hours.</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tApplicants must have:</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t- A minimum of 2 years previous experience and good portfolio/references</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t- You will be skilled in carpentry with an eye for detail</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t- Plumbing experience an advantage.</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t- CKR1 Gas Safe Registration would be an advantage but not essential</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t- Must be able to work on your own, in a clean and tidy manner.</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t- Must be passionate about what you do!</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t- Project management skills are an advantage</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t- Excellent Customer Relation skills are a must</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tPast work must be available to be viewed and two references will be required.</div>\r\n",
                        "salary": "25000",
                        "added_datetime": "2013-10-01 00:00:00",
                        "JIsActiveO": "0",
                        "JIsActiveP": "2",
                        "JIsActiveN": "2",
                        "from_date": "2013-10-01",
                        "to_date": "2014-11-01 00:00:00",
                        "note1": "",
                        "note2": "",
                        "postcode": "",
                        "interview_date": "2013-10-01",
                        "is_internal": "0",
                        "hourly_rate": null,
                        "free_text_title": null,
                        "is_attached": "0",
                        "salary_note": null,
                        "commission": "0.00",
                        "salary2": null,
                        "slug": "kitchen-fitter-jid2",
                        "charge_rate": null,
                        "pay_rate": null,
                        "latitude": null,
                        "longitude": null,
                        "updated_datetime": null,
                        "deleted_datetime": null,
                        "commission_flat": "0.00"
                        "id": "3",
                        "UID": "131",
                        "job_title": "Delivery Driver",
                        "detail": "Want more from your next driving job? Join our Oxford home delivery team as a &#39;Customer Service Team Member&#39; (CSTM) and you&#39;ll be the main point of contact with our customers, offering them award-winning service as well as delivering their groceries. It&#39;s a varied and rewarding job where you get to think on your feet. You will be delivering in one of our 3.5t Mercedes Sprinter vans and could be driving up to 250 miles per day with the use of a Sat Nav. You will deliver up to 1000kg of shopping a day and some deliveries will involve blocks of flats without lifts. You will have between 10 and 28 drops per shift depending on your route.",
                        "salary": "15000",
                        "added_datetime": "2013-10-01 00:00:00",
                        "JIsActiveO": "0",
                        "JIsActiveP": "2",
                        "JIsActiveN": "2",
                        "from_date": "2013-10-01",
                        "to_date": "2014-11-01 00:00:00",
                        "note1": "",
                        "note2": "",
                        "postcode": "",
                        "interview_date": "2015-10-01",
                        "is_internal": "0",
                        "hourly_rate": null,
                        "free_text_title": null,
                        "is_attached": "0",
                        "salary_note": null,
                        "commission": "0.00",
                        "salary2": "18000",
                        "slug": "delivery-driver-jid3",
                        "charge_rate": null,
                        "pay_rate": null,
                        "latitude": null,
                        "longitude": null,
                        "updated_datetime": null,
                        "deleted_datetime": null,
                        "commission_flat": "0.00"
                        "id": "4",
                        "UID": "137",
                        "job_title": "Sales Assistant",
                        "detail": "We are looking for a reliable, friendly person for our busy corner shop. You must be confident, have good customer skills and reliable. You duties would involve greeting and assisting the customer, using the electronic till, merchandising and participating in the quarterly stock take. If you think this is you please send your CV",
                        "salary": "0",
                        "added_datetime": "2013-10-11 00:00:00",
                        "JIsActiveO": "0",
                        "JIsActiveP": "2",
                        "JIsActiveN": "2",
                        "from_date": "2013-10-11",
                        "to_date": "2014-01-11 00:00:00",
                        "note1": "",
                        "note2": "",
                        "postcode": "",
                        "interview_date": "2013-10-11",
                        "is_internal": "0",
                        "hourly_rate": null,
                        "free_text_title": null,
                        "is_attached": "0",
                        "salary_note": null,
                        "commission": "0.00",
                        "salary2": null,
                        "slug": "sales-assistant-jid4",
                        "charge_rate": null,
                        "pay_rate": null,
                        "latitude": null,
                        "longitude": null,
                        "updated_datetime": null,
                        "deleted_datetime": null,
                        "commission_flat": "0.00"
                        "id": "5",
                        "UID": "136",
                        "job_title": "Kitchen Fitter",
                        "detail": "<div>\r\n\t<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 18px;\">Experienced Kitchen/Bedroom/Bathroom fitter required.&nbsp;</span></div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 18px;\">Immediate Start. Must have own van and tools.</span></div>\r\n",
                        "salary": "0",
                        "added_datetime": "2013-10-11 09:18:16",
                        "JIsActiveO": "0",
                        "JIsActiveP": "2",
                        "JIsActiveN": "2",
                        "from_date": "2013-10-11",
                        "to_date": "2013-12-11 00:00:00",
                        "note1": "",
                        "note2": "",
                        "postcode": null,
                        "interview_date": "2013-10-11",
                        "is_internal": "0",
                        "hourly_rate": null,
                        "free_text_title": null,
                        "is_attached": "0",
                        "salary_note": null,
                        "commission": null,
                        "salary2": null,
                        "slug": "kitchen-fitter-jid5",
                        "charge_rate": null,
                        "pay_rate": null,
                        "latitude": null,
                        "longitude": null,
                        "updated_datetime": null,
                        "deleted_datetime": null,
                        "commission_flat": null
                        "id": "6",
                        "UID": "135",
                        "job_title": "Admin Assistant",
                        "detail": "<span id=\"TrackingJobBody\" name=\"TrackingJobBody\" style=\"color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\">The successful candidate will be given responsibility for a whole array of office duties, with an added element of customer service involved. With this in mind we are looking for hard working candidate who has a high attention to detail and confident with excellent telephone manner.&nbsp;<br />\r\nThe position will involve; answering the telephone, imputing data, scanning paperwork, filing, face to face customer service and general office duties.&nbsp;<br />\r\nWe are ideally looking to seek somebody with strong background in and customer service and an excellent understanding of Microsoft Office is essential. A background within the field of Recruitment would also be very beneficial to this position.<br />\r\nThe role is an ongoing temporary role.<br />\r\nThe hours for the role are 8am until 5pm, Monday to Friday.</span><br />\r\n<br />\r\n",
                        "salary": "0",
                        "added_datetime": "2013-10-11 09:23:07",
                        "JIsActiveO": "0",
                        "JIsActiveP": "2",
                        "JIsActiveN": "2",
                        "from_date": "2013-10-11",
                        "to_date": "2013-12-11 00:00:00",
                        "note1": "",
                        "note2": "",
                        "postcode": null,
                        "interview_date": "2013-10-11",
                        "is_internal": "0",
                        "hourly_rate": null,
                        "free_text_title": null,
                        "is_attached": "0",
                        "salary_note": null,
                        "commission": null,
                        "salary2": null,
                        "slug": "admin-assistant-jid6",
                        "charge_rate": null,
                        "pay_rate": null,
                        "latitude": null,
                        "longitude": null,
                        "updated_datetime": null,
                        "deleted_datetime": null,
                        "commission_flat": null
                        "id": "7",
                        "UID": "135",
                        "job_title": "Consultant",
                        "detail": "<p style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); margin: 0px; min-height: 13px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;\">\r\n\tYou will be responsible for proactively developing your desk, including increasing activity with warm clients as well as identifying and winning new business. In addition to this you will use your initiative and energy to discover new ways of generating candidates and your communication skills to screen those candidates and to form productive relationships. You will fit into an already existing and harmonious team, working closely with your colleagues towards maximising team performance and receiving ongoing advice and support in order that your own skills continue to develop.</p>\r\n<br style=\"color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;\" />\r\n<p style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); margin: 0px; min-height: 13px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;\">\r\n\t<strong>Experience required</strong></p>\r\n<br style=\"color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;\" />\r\n<p style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); margin: 0px; min-height: 13px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;\">\r\n\tApplicants should be of graduate calibre with at least two years experience in recruitment. Ideally you will have a specialist recruitment background i.e HR/Sales/Marketing etc. Outstanding business development and customer service skills are required together with excellent time management and the ability to communicate at all levels both verbally and written. The successful candidate will have a thorough understanding of legal employment rights and an extensive knowledge of the recruitment process. In addition the willingness to work hard and a strong desire to succeed are a must.</p>\r\n<div>\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n",
                        "salary": "0",
                        "added_datetime": "2013-10-11 09:25:54",
                        "JIsActiveO": "0",
                        "JIsActiveP": "2",
                        "JIsActiveN": "2",
                        "from_date": "2013-10-11",
                        "to_date": "2013-12-11 00:00:00",
                        "note1": "",
                        "note2": "",
                        "postcode": null,
                        "interview_date": "2013-10-11",
                        "is_internal": "0",
                        "hourly_rate": null,
                        "free_text_title": null,
                        "is_attached": "0",
                        "salary_note": null,
                        "commission": null,
                        "salary2": null,
                        "slug": "consultant-jid7",
                        "charge_rate": null,
                        "pay_rate": null,
                        "latitude": null,
                        "longitude": null,
                        "updated_datetime": null,
                        "deleted_datetime": null,
                        "commission_flat": null
                        "id": "8",
                        "UID": "133",
                        "job_title": "Head Chef",
                        "detail": "<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t- A calm and organised Head Chef who will motivate and lead the brigade and provide structured and progressive training for all of the team.</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t- A Head Chef that can cook, taste and enjoy their food only, Ping chefs need not apply!</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t- An experienced and well trained catering professional, who understands that a kitchen with flawless food hygiene standards and organisational systems will produce better food, better chefs and better profits.</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t- A leader who can balance hitting financial and management targets with a passionate flair for food and teaching.</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t- The ideal candidate will have a mixture of branded and independent experience, with a proven track record as Head Chef.</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t- A knowledgeable Head Chef who takes pride in producing great quality fresh food and will work with our Executive Chef to ensure consistently high standards by adhering to the company specifications and procedures.</div>\r\n<div>\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n",
                        "salary": "24000",
                        "added_datetime": "2013-10-11 00:00:00",
                        "JIsActiveO": "0",
                        "JIsActiveP": "2",
                        "JIsActiveN": "2",
                        "from_date": "2013-10-11",
                        "to_date": "2014-11-11 00:00:00",
                        "note1": "",
                        "note2": "",
                        "postcode": "",
                        "interview_date": "2013-10-11",
                        "is_internal": "0",
                        "hourly_rate": null,
                        "free_text_title": null,
                        "is_attached": "0",
                        "salary_note": null,
                        "commission": "0.00",
                        "salary2": "26000",
                        "slug": "head-chef-jid8",
                        "charge_rate": null,
                        "pay_rate": null,
                        "latitude": null,
                        "longitude": null,
                        "updated_datetime": null,
                        "deleted_datetime": null,
                        "commission_flat": "0.00"
                        "id": "9",
                        "UID": "133",
                        "job_title": "Catering Assistant",
                        "detail": "<p style=\"color: rgb(99, 99, 99); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\">\r\n\tHelping to prepare food and drink for lunches and evening meals, sandwiches, salads, chips etc. Cleaning the kitchen.</p>\r\n<p style=\"color: rgb(99, 99, 99); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\">\r\n\tWe are looking for part time temporary catering staff who are able to work mixed shifts and cover a number of the sites. Driver preferred. CRB checked would be an advantage.</p>\r\n<p style=\"color: rgb(99, 99, 99); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\">\r\n\tIf you are interested in this position please send your CV to us.</p>\r\n<p style=\"color: rgb(99, 99, 99); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\">\r\n\tDue to the high volumes of applications we are currently receiving, unfortunately we are only able to contact candidates who are successful in progressing to the next stage. If you have not been contacted within 7 days of your application, then please presume that you have not been successful on this occasion.</p>\r\n",
                        "salary": "0",
                        "added_datetime": "2013-10-11 09:36:45",
                        "JIsActiveO": "0",
                        "JIsActiveP": "2",
                        "JIsActiveN": "2",
                        "from_date": "2013-10-11",
                        "to_date": "2013-12-11 00:00:00",
                        "note1": "",
                        "note2": "",
                        "postcode": null,
                        "interview_date": "2013-10-11",
                        "is_internal": "0",
                        "hourly_rate": null,
                        "free_text_title": null,
                        "is_attached": "0",
                        "salary_note": null,
                        "commission": null,
                        "salary2": null,
                        "slug": "catering-assistant-jid9",
                        "charge_rate": null,
                        "pay_rate": null,
                        "latitude": null,
                        "longitude": null,
                        "updated_datetime": null,
                        "deleted_datetime": null,
                        "commission_flat": null
                        "id": "11",
                        "UID": "132",
                        "job_title": "Sales assistant",
                        "detail": "<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tHow will you make a difference?</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tHere&#39;s the short answer;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tOur customers love us as much for our friendly, helpful service as for our fantastic low prices. On the shop floor you have a great opportunity to welcome customers, talk to them, help them and make their shopping trip memorable. You also have an important part to play in helping us meet our sales targets, whether it&rsquo;s by recommending a product to a customer or making sure the shelves are stocked with the things they want to buy.</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tEveryday matters</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tOut there on the shop floor you&rsquo;re in the front line of our business, providing great service to the very highest standards. We&rsquo;re proud of our warm and friendly service. It&rsquo;s what our customers love and have come to expect. So we&rsquo;ll always expect you to:</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tService</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tHave a smile in your voice as well as on your face. Always say hello and goodbye and talk to customers, showing an interest in their needs</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tTreat every customer as an individual. You may be the first person they&rsquo;ve spoken to in the store</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tIf a customer asks where to find a product, don&rsquo;t just point or give directions, take them to it &ndash; and have a chat along the way</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tIf a customer has a complaint, try and resolve the problem yourself or quickly decide if it&rsquo;s an issue for a manager. Be sympathetic and don&rsquo;t get flustered</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tWOW customers with your friendliness</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tSales</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tTry to recommend additional products to meet customers&rsquo; needs</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tHelp to maximise sales (and customer satisfaction) by keeping shelves replenished and products always available</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tBe aware of promotions going on in the store and make sure customers are aware too</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tBeing the best you can be, every day</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tThere&rsquo;s no such thing as great service without high personal standards - they go hand in hand. So every day you&rsquo;ll be expected to look the part through a smart appearance, and play the part in a friendly and professional way. There&rsquo;s always a lot to learn about your job &ndash; from food safety and hygiene to company rules and standards &ndash; but with our great training and support, we&rsquo;ll help you keep getting better and better.</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\t&nbsp;</div>\r\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">\r\n\tWe&rsquo;re one big team, so we&rsquo;re looking for helpful, outgoing people who can get along with and support others.</div>\r\n",
                        "salary": "19000",
                        "added_datetime": "2013-10-11 00:00:00",
                        "JIsActiveO": "0",
                        "JIsActiveP": "2",
                        "JIsActiveN": "2",
                        "from_date": "2013-10-11",
                        "to_date": "2014-11-11 00:00:00",
                        "note1": "",
                        "note2": "",
                        "postcode": "",
                        "interview_date": "2013-10-11",
                        "is_internal": "0",
                        "hourly_rate": null,
                        "free_text_title": null,
                        "is_attached": "0",
                        "salary_note": null,
                        "commission": "0.00",
                        "salary2": "20000",
                        "slug": "sales-assistant-jid11",
                        "charge_rate": null,
                        "pay_rate": null,
                        "latitude": null,
                        "longitude": null,
                        "updated_datetime": null,
                        "deleted_datetime": null,
                        "commission_flat": "0.00"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 32,
                "page": 0

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note (String) :
created_datetime (DateTime) :
updated_datetime (DateTime) :
status_id (Number) :
type_id (Number) :
job_id (Number) :
candidate_id (Number) :

Job Note List 

Get note list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: applicaiton/json 
        {"error":"", "result": []}

Create Job Note 

Create/Edit jon note
  • Response  201

Delete Job Note 

Delete job note
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Job Type 

Job Type related resources of the eBoss API

Job Type attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
name (String) : The job type name.

Job Type List 

Get job type list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "id": "2",
                    "name": "Permanent"
                    "id": "3",
                    "name": "Contract"
                    "id": "5",
                    "name": "Temp or Contract"
                    "id": "6",
                    "name": "Temp or Perm"
            "message": "",
            "count": 4,
            "total": 4,
            "page": 0

Create Job Type 

Create/Edit job type
  • Response  201

Delete Job Type 

Delete job type
  • Response  204
Next  Previous


News related resources of the eBoss API

News attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
title (String) :
text (String) :
is_active (Number) :
added_datetime (DateTime) :
slug (String) :

News List 

Get news list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "id": "1",
                    "title": "Big changes ",
                    "text": "fox",
                    "is_active": "0",
                    "added_datetime": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
                    "slug": ""
            "message": "",
            "count": 1,
            "total": 1,
            "page": 0

Create News 

Create/Edit news
  • Response  201

Delete News 

Delete News
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Next Contact 

Next Contact related resources of the eBoss API

Next Contact attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
subject (String) :
text (String) :
on_datetime (DateTime) :
is_processed (Number) :
created_user_id (Number) :
linked_record_id (Number) :
assigned_ids (String) :
is_completed (Number) :
xstatus_id (Number) :

Next Contact List 

Get next contact list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "id": "1",
                        "subject": "Call",
                        "text": "Call this candidate",
                        "on_datetime": "2013-10-31 10:50:00",
                        "is_processed": "0",
                        "created_user_id": "123",
                        "linked_record_id": "165",
                        "assigned_ids": "123,",
                        "is_completed": "0",
                        "xstatus_id": null
                        "id": "2",
                        "subject": "call",
                        "text": "",
                        "on_datetime": "2013-10-31 15:51:00",
                        "is_processed": "0",
                        "created_user_id": "122",
                        "linked_record_id": "116",
                        "assigned_ids": "122,",
                        "is_completed": "0",
                        "xstatus_id": null
                        "id": "3",
                        "subject": "Reminder: Note",
                        "text": "how did the interview go",
                        "on_datetime": "2013-11-05 10:00:00",
                        "is_processed": "0",
                        "created_user_id": "122",
                        "linked_record_id": "169",
                        "assigned_ids": "122,",
                        "is_completed": "1",
                        "xstatus_id": null
                        "id": "4",
                        "subject": "pleas call at 12",
                        "text": "need to call this candidate at 12 regardingt he interview",
                        "on_datetime": "2013-10-31 11:10:00",
                        "is_processed": "0",
                        "created_user_id": "123",
                        "linked_record_id": "104",
                        "assigned_ids": "123,",
                        "is_completed": "0",
                        "xstatus_id": null
                        "id": "13",
                        "subject": "Call Client",
                        "text": "Speak to client regarding CV's",
                        "on_datetime": "2013-11-19 11:26:00",
                        "is_processed": "0",
                        "created_user_id": "100",
                        "linked_record_id": "168",
                        "assigned_ids": "100,",
                        "is_completed": "0",
                        "xstatus_id": null
                        "id": "14",
                        "subject": "Reminder: Note",
                        "text": "spoke to the candidate about a job",
                        "on_datetime": "2013-11-28 15:26:00",
                        "is_processed": "0",
                        "created_user_id": "122",
                        "linked_record_id": "175",
                        "assigned_ids": "122,",
                        "is_completed": "0",
                        "xstatus_id": null
                        "id": "15",
                        "subject": "call",
                        "text": "looking for a job in January",
                        "on_datetime": "2013-11-21 13:12:00",
                        "is_processed": "0",
                        "created_user_id": "122",
                        "linked_record_id": "116",
                        "assigned_ids": "122,",
                        "is_completed": "1",
                        "xstatus_id": null
                        "id": "16",
                        "subject": "Reminder: Note",
                        "text": "spoke to the candidate",
                        "on_datetime": "2013-11-28 10:28:00",
                        "is_processed": "0",
                        "created_user_id": "122",
                        "linked_record_id": "199",
                        "assigned_ids": "122,",
                        "is_completed": "0",
                        "xstatus_id": null
                        "id": "17",
                        "subject": "Reminder: Interview Notification",
                        "text": "Dear Edward Smith<br /> <br />Please find below the details for your interview with :<br /><br />Position: <br />Date: <br />Time: <br />Location: <br /><br />Good Luck! I will be in touch with you after your interview with any feedback.",
                        "on_datetime": "2013-11-26 16:29:00",
                        "is_processed": "0",
                        "created_user_id": "122",
                        "linked_record_id": "199",
                        "assigned_ids": "122,",
                        "is_completed": "1",
                        "xstatus_id": null
                        "id": "19",
                        "subject": "Reminder: Note",
                        "text": "LVM need to call again",
                        "on_datetime": "2013-11-28 08:40:00",
                        "is_processed": "0",
                        "created_user_id": "122",
                        "linked_record_id": "204",
                        "assigned_ids": "122,",
                        "is_completed": "0",
                        "xstatus_id": null
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 502,
                "page": 0

Create Next Contact 

Create/Edit next contact
  • Response  201

Delete Next Contact 

Delete next contact
  • Response  204
Next  Previous


Note related resources of the eBoss API

Note attributes:

Is this reminder related note?
id (Number) : Unique identifier
linked_record_id (String) : Refers to users table ID (ie candidates,clients,consultants related notes). if we want to tie with contact need to fill in also contact_id field (and specify in this field client_id which contact belongs to).
text (String) : Actual note.
added_datetime (DateTime) :
type_id (Number) : possible types as follows: 0 = System 2 = User 3 = Phone 4 = Interview 5 = Incoming Emails 6 = Outgoing Emails 7 = References 8 = Linked 9 = Accounts
candidate_id (Number) : Note is also tied to candidate record.
client_id (Number) : NJote is also tied to client record.
job_id (String) : Note is also tried to job record.
user_id (Number) : Consultant ID who added this note.
status_id (Number) :
recipients (String) : If this is email note - who received this email.
attachments (String) : If this is email note - which attachments where sent along with it.
contact_id (Number) : Note tied with contact_id.
is_read (Number) : Is this new note or already read?
is_reminder (Number) :
reminder_id (Number) : If this is reminder related note - which ID of reminder? reference to next_contact ID record.

Note List 

Get note list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "id": "1",
                        "linked_record_id": "101",
                        "text": "Carmen Berry: : Candidate details have been changed",
                        "added_datetime": "2013-09-13 10:34:35",
                        "type_id": "0",
                        "candidate_id": "101",
                        "client_id": null,
                        "job_id": null,
                        "user_id": "100",
                        "status_id": "0",
                        "recipients": null,
                        "attachments": null,
                        "contact_id": null,
                        "is_read": "0",
                        "is_reminder": "0",
                        "reminder_id": "0"
                        "id": "2",
                        "linked_record_id": "101",
                        "text": "Carmen Berry: : Candidate details have been changed",
                        "added_datetime": "2013-09-13 10:34:37",
                        "type_id": "0",
                        "candidate_id": "101",
                        "client_id": null,
                        "job_id": null,
                        "user_id": "100",
                        "status_id": "0",
                        "recipients": null,
                        "attachments": null,
                        "contact_id": null,
                        "is_read": "0",
                        "is_reminder": "0",
                        "reminder_id": "0"
                        "id": "3",
                        "linked_record_id": "102",
                        "text": "Carmen Berry: : Candidate details have been changed",
                        "added_datetime": "2013-09-13 10:38:14",
                        "type_id": "0",
                        "candidate_id": "102",
                        "client_id": null,
                        "job_id": null,
                        "user_id": "100",
                        "status_id": "0",
                        "recipients": null,
                        "attachments": null,
                        "contact_id": null,
                        "is_read": "0",
                        "is_reminder": "0",
                        "reminder_id": "0"
                        "id": "4",
                        "linked_record_id": "102",
                        "text": "Carmen Berry: : Candidate details have been changed",
                        "added_datetime": "2013-09-13 10:38:15",
                        "type_id": "0",
                        "candidate_id": "102",
                        "client_id": null,
                        "job_id": null,
                        "user_id": "100",
                        "status_id": "0",
                        "recipients": null,
                        "attachments": null,
                        "contact_id": null,
                        "is_read": "0",
                        "is_reminder": "0",
                        "reminder_id": "0"
                        "id": "5",
                        "linked_record_id": "102",
                        "text": "Carmen Berry: : Candidate details have been changed",
                        "added_datetime": "2013-09-13 10:38:50",
                        "type_id": "0",
                        "candidate_id": "102",
                        "client_id": null,
                        "job_id": null,
                        "user_id": "100",
                        "status_id": "0",
                        "recipients": null,
                        "attachments": null,
                        "contact_id": null,
                        "is_read": "0",
                        "is_reminder": "0",
                        "reminder_id": "0"
                        "id": "6",
                        "linked_record_id": "103",
                        "text": "Carmen Berry: : Candidate details have been changed",
                        "added_datetime": "2013-09-13 10:44:40",
                        "type_id": "0",
                        "candidate_id": "103",
                        "client_id": null,
                        "job_id": null,
                        "user_id": "100",
                        "status_id": "0",
                        "recipients": null,
                        "attachments": null,
                        "contact_id": null,
                        "is_read": "0",
                        "is_reminder": "0",
                        "reminder_id": "0"
                        "id": "7",
                        "linked_record_id": "103",
                        "text": "Carmen Berry: : Candidate details have been changed",
                        "added_datetime": "2013-09-13 10:44:40",
                        "type_id": "0",
                        "candidate_id": "103",
                        "client_id": null,
                        "job_id": null,
                        "user_id": "100",
                        "status_id": "0",
                        "recipients": null,
                        "attachments": null,
                        "contact_id": null,
                        "is_read": "0",
                        "is_reminder": "0",
                        "reminder_id": "0"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 5753,
                "page": 0

Create Note 

Create/Edit note
  • Response  201

Delete Note 

Delete note
  • Response  204
Next  Previous


User related resources of the eBoss API

User attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
username (String) :
added_datetime (DateTime) :
first_user_datetime (Number) :
last_login_datetime (DateTime) :
updated_datetime (DateTime) :
deleted_datetime (DateTime) :

User List 

Get user list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "id": "122",
                        "username": "",
                        "added_datetime": "2013-09-23",
                        "first_user_datetime": "0",
                        "last_login_datetime": "2014-10-29 11:10:50",
                        "updated_datetime": null,
                        "deleted_datetime": null
                        "id": "236",
                        "username": "",
                        "added_datetime": "2014-02-03",
                        "first_user_datetime": "0",
                        "last_login_datetime": "2014-08-27 13:13:08",
                        "updated_datetime": null,
                        "deleted_datetime": null
                "message": "",
                "count": 2,
                "total": 2,
                "page": 0

Create user 

Create/Edit user
  • Response  201

Delete user 

Delete user
  • Response  204
Next  Previous


XStatus related resources of the eBoss API

XStatus attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
candidate_id (Number) :
client_id (Number) :
job_id (Number) :
name (String) :
comment (String) :
attachments_titles (String) :
is_completed (DateTime) :
created_datetime (DateTime) :
updated_datetime (DateTime) :
started_datetime (DateTime) :
finished_datetime (DateTime) :
user_id (Number) :
status_id (Number) :
is_current (Number) :

XStatus List 

Get XStatus list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "id": "3",
                        "candidate_id": "108",
                        "client_id": "168",
                        "job_id": "20",
                        "name": "CV Submitted",
                        "comment": null,
                        "attachments_titles": "",
                        "is_completed": null,
                        "created_datetime": "2013-10-24 12:56:12",
                        "updated_datetime": "2014-02-05 09:09:19",
                        "started_datetime": "2013-10-24 12:56:12",
                        "finished_datetime": "2013-10-24 12:56:12",
                        "user_id": "100",
                        "status_id": "0",
                        "is_current": "0"
                        "id": "6",
                        "candidate_id": "111",
                        "client_id": "168",
                        "job_id": "20",
                        "name": "CV Submitted",
                        "comment": null,
                        "attachments_titles": "<br/><br/>",
                        "is_completed": null,
                        "created_datetime": "2013-10-31 11:14:54",
                        "updated_datetime": "2014-01-30 10:53:56",
                        "started_datetime": "2013-10-31 11:14:53",
                        "finished_datetime": "2013-10-31 11:14:53",
                        "user_id": "122",
                        "status_id": "0",
                        "is_current": "0"
                        "id": "9",
                        "candidate_id": "107",
                        "client_id": "129",
                        "job_id": "15",
                        "name": "new",
                        "comment": "<b>Client Address</b>:  5 Aldermanbury Square London EC2V 7HR<br><br><b>Contact Phone</b>: 1237 567890<br><br><b>Agreement Date</b>: 7th November 2013",
                        "attachments_titles": null,
                        "is_completed": null,
                        "created_datetime": "2013-11-07 12:44:59",
                        "updated_datetime": "2013-11-07 12:44:59",
                        "started_datetime": "2013-11-07 00:00:00",
                        "finished_datetime": "2013-11-07 00:00:00",
                        "user_id": "100",
                        "status_id": "0",
                        "is_current": "1"
                        "id": "14",
                        "candidate_id": "165",
                        "client_id": "127",
                        "job_id": "1",
                        "name": "interview",
                        "comment": "<b>Interview Date/Time</b>: 13th November 2013 00:00<br><br><b>Client Address</b>: Unit 14 Kings Court Willie Snaith Road Newmarket NM8 7SG<br><br><b>Client Contact</b>:James Elvin<br><br><b>Contact Phone</b>: 01234 567890<br><br><b>Interview Follow Up</b>: 13th November 2013<br><br><b>Agreement Date</b>: 13th November 2013<br><br><b>Commission</b>: 0.00",
                        "attachments_titles": null,
                        "is_completed": null,
                        "created_datetime": "2013-11-13 11:25:29",
                        "updated_datetime": "2013-11-13 11:25:29",
                        "started_datetime": "2013-11-13 00:00:00",
                        "finished_datetime": "2013-11-13 00:00:00",
                        "user_id": "123",
                        "status_id": "0",
                        "is_current": "1"
                        "id": "15",
                        "candidate_id": "165",
                        "client_id": "129",
                        "job_id": "0",
                        "name": "cv submitted",
                        "comment": "",
                        "attachments_titles": null,
                        "is_completed": null,
                        "created_datetime": "2013-11-13 11:26:01",
                        "updated_datetime": "2013-11-13 11:26:01",
                        "started_datetime": "2013-11-13 00:00:00",
                        "finished_datetime": "2013-11-13 00:00:00",
                        "user_id": "123",
                        "status_id": "0",
                        "is_current": "1"
                        "id": "18",
                        "candidate_id": "177",
                        "client_id": "129",
                        "job_id": "15",
                        "name": "cv submitted",
                        "comment": "<b>Client Address</b>:  5 Aldermanbury Square London EC2V 7HR<br><br><b>Contact Phone</b>: 1237 567890<br><br><b>Agreement Date</b>: 21st November 2013<br><br><b>Commission</b>: 0.00",
                        "attachments_titles": null,
                        "is_completed": null,
                        "created_datetime": "2013-11-21 10:24:22",
                        "updated_datetime": "2013-11-21 10:25:01",
                        "started_datetime": "2013-11-21 00:00:00",
                        "finished_datetime": "2013-11-21 00:00:00",
                        "user_id": "122",
                        "status_id": "0",
                        "is_current": "0"
                        "id": "21",
                        "candidate_id": "199",
                        "client_id": "129",
                        "job_id": "15",
                        "name": "cv submitted",
                        "comment": "<b>Client Address</b>:  5 Aldermanbury Square London EC2V 7HR<br><br><b>Contact Phone</b>: 1237 567890<br><br><b>Agreement Date</b>: 26th November 2013<br><br><b>Commission</b>: 0.00",
                        "attachments_titles": null,
                        "is_completed": null,
                        "created_datetime": "2013-11-26 10:33:09",
                        "updated_datetime": "2014-06-04 03:23:56",
                        "started_datetime": "2013-11-26 00:00:00",
                        "finished_datetime": "2013-11-26 00:00:00",
                        "user_id": "122",
                        "status_id": "0",
                        "is_current": "0"
                        "id": "22",
                        "candidate_id": "199",
                        "client_id": "129",
                        "job_id": "15",
                        "name": "placed",
                        "comment": "<b>Client Address</b>:  5 Aldermanbury Square London EC2V 7HR<br><br><b>Contact Phone</b>: 1237 567890<br><br><b>Agreement Date</b>: 26th November 2013<br><br><b>Commission</b>: 0.00",
                        "attachments_titles": null,
                        "is_completed": null,
                        "created_datetime": "2013-11-26 10:35:25",
                        "updated_datetime": "2014-06-04 03:23:56",
                        "started_datetime": "2013-11-26 00:00:00",
                        "finished_datetime": "2013-11-26 00:00:00",
                        "user_id": "122",
                        "status_id": "0",
                        "is_current": "0"
                        "id": "23",
                        "candidate_id": "201",
                        "client_id": "127",
                        "job_id": "1",
                        "name": "cv submitted",
                        "comment": "<b>Client Address</b>: Unit 14 Kings Court Willie Snaith Road Newmarket NM8 7SG<br><br><b>Contact Phone</b>: 01234 567890<br><br><b>Agreement Date</b>: 26th November 2013<br><br><b>Commission</b>: 0.00",
                        "attachments_titles": null,
                        "is_completed": null,
                        "created_datetime": "2013-11-26 14:25:53",
                        "updated_datetime": "2013-11-26 14:27:48",
                        "started_datetime": "2013-11-26 00:00:00",
                        "finished_datetime": "2013-11-26 00:00:00",
                        "user_id": "122",
                        "status_id": "0",
                        "is_current": "0"
                        "id": "24",
                        "candidate_id": "201",
                        "client_id": "127",
                        "job_id": "1",
                        "name": "rejected",
                        "comment": "<b>Client Address</b>: Unit 14 Kings Court Willie Snaith Road Newmarket NM8 7SG<br><br><b>Contact Phone</b>: 01234 567890<br><br><b>Agreement Date</b>: 26th November 2013<br><br><b>Commission</b>: 0.00",
                        "attachments_titles": null,
                        "is_completed": null,
                        "created_datetime": "2013-11-26 14:27:48",
                        "updated_datetime": "2013-11-26 14:27:48",
                        "started_datetime": "2013-11-26 00:00:00",
                        "finished_datetime": "2013-11-26 00:00:00",
                        "user_id": "122",
                        "status_id": "0",
                        "is_current": "1"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 503,
                "page": 0

Create XStatus 

Create/Edit XStatus
  • Response  201

Delete XStatus 

Delete XStatus
  • Response  204
Next  Previous


Next  Previous


Country related resources of the eBoss API

Country attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
code (String) :
is_active (Number) :
status (Number) :
candidate_delete (Number) :
dcode (String) :
order_number (Number) :

Country List 

Get country list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "id": "2",
                        "code": "ae",
                        "name": "United Arab Emirates",
                        "is_active": "1",
                        "status": "1",
                        "candidate_delete": "0",
                        "dcode": "+971",
                        "order_number": "0"
                        "id": "3",
                        "code": "af",
                        "name": "Afghanistan",
                        "is_active": "0",
                        "status": "0",
                        "candidate_delete": "0",
                        "dcode": null,
                        "order_number": "0"
                        "id": "4",
                        "code": "ag",
                        "name": "Antigua, Barbuda",
                        "is_active": "0",
                        "status": "0",
                        "candidate_delete": "0",
                        "dcode": null,
                        "order_number": "0"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 232,
                "page": 0

Create Country 

Create/Edit a country
  • Response  201

Delete Country 

Delete a country
  • Response  204
Next  Previous


Industry related resources of the eBoss API

Industry attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
name (String) : Industry name.

Industry List 

Get Industry list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "id": "37",
                    "name": "Sales"
                    "id": "38",
                    "name": "Fitting"
                    "id": "39",
                    "name": "Recruitment"
                    "id": "41",
                    "name": "Management"
                    "id": "43",
                    "name": "Land Development"
                    "id": "44",
                    "name": "Building"
                    "id": "45",
                    "name": "Carpentry"
                    "id": "48",
                    "name": "IT"
                    "id": "49",
                    "name": "Catering"
                    "id": "50",
                    "name": "Engineering"
            "message": "",
            "count": 10,
            "total": 41,
            "page": 0

Create Industry 

Create/Edit a inudstry
  • Response  201

Delete Industry 

Delete a industry
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}    
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Job Source 

Job Source related resources of the eBoss API

Job Source attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
name (String) : Job source name.

Job Source List 

Get job source list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "id": "1",
                    "name": "exclusive"
                    "id": "2",
                    "name": "multiple"
                    "id": "3",
                    "name": "free for all"
            "message": "",
            "count": 3,
            "total": 3,
            "page": 0

Create Job Source 

Create/Update a job source
  • Response  201

Delete Job Source 

Delete a job source
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Job Title 

Job Title related resources of the eBoss API

Job Title attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
name (String) : Job source name.
industry_id (Number) : Industry Id.

Job Title List 

Get job title list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "id": "69",
                    "name": "Sales Manager",
                    "industry_id": "0"
                    "id": "70",
                    "name": "Sales Assistant",
                    "industry_id": "0"
                    "id": "71",
                    "name": "Merchandiser",
                    "industry_id": "0"
                    "id": "72",
                    "name": "Stock Control",
                    "industry_id": "0"
                    "id": "73",
                    "name": "Brick Layer",
                    "industry_id": "0"
                    "id": "74",
                    "name": "Carpenter",
                    "industry_id": "0"
                    "id": "75",
                    "name": "Operations Manager",
                    "industry_id": "0"
                    "id": "76",
                    "name": "Recruiter",
                    "industry_id": "0"
                    "id": "77",
                    "name": "Lawyer",
                    "industry_id": "0"
                    "id": "78",
                    "name": "Solicitor",
                    "industry_id": "0"
            "message": "",
            "count": 10,
            "total": 35,
            "page": 0

Create Job Title 

Create/Edit a job title
  • Response  201

Delete Job Title 

Delete a job title
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
  • Response  204
Next  Previous


Region related resources of the eBoss API

Region attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
country_id (Number) : The country id.
name (String) : The industry id.
is_active (Number) : The status if it is active.

Region List 

Get region list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "id": "328",
                    "country_id": "36",
                    "name": "Alberta",
                    "is_active": "1"
                    "id": "329",
                    "country_id": "36",
                    "name": "British Columbia",
                    "is_active": "1"
                    "id": "330",
                    "country_id": "36",
                    "name": "Labrador",
                    "is_active": "1"
                    "id": "331",
                    "country_id": "36",
                    "name": "Manitoba",
                    "is_active": "1"
                    "id": "332",
                    "country_id": "36",
                    "name": "New Brunswick",
                    "is_active": "1"
                    "id": "333",
                    "country_id": "36",
                    "name": "Newfoundland",
                    "is_active": "1"
                    "id": "334",
                    "country_id": "36",
                    "name": "Northwest Territories",
                    "is_active": "1"
                    "id": "335",
                    "country_id": "36",
                    "name": "Nova Scotia",
                    "is_active": "1"
                    "id": "336",
                    "country_id": "36",
                    "name": "Nanavut- Southampton Island",
                    "is_active": "1"
                    "id": "337",
                    "country_id": "36",
                    "name": "Nanavut (Central)",
                    "is_active": "1"
            "message": "",
            "count": 10,
            "total": 427,
            "page": 0

Create Region 

Create/Update a region
  • Response  201

Delete Region 

Delete a region
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous


Salutation related resources of the eBoss API

Salutation attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
name (String) : The salutation name.

Salutation List 

Get salutation list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "id": "1",
                        "name": "#"
                        "id": "2",
                        "name": "Mr"
                        "id": "3",
                        "name": "Mrs"
                        "id": "4",
                        "name": "Ms"
                        "id": "5",
                        "name": "Miss"
                        "id": "6",
                        "name": "Dr"
                        "id": "7",
                        "name": "Prof"
                "message": "",
                "count": 7,
                "total": 7,
                "page": 0

Create Salutation 

Create/Edit a salutation
  • Response  201

Delete Salutation 

Delete a salutation
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous


Skill1 related resources of the eBoss API

Skill1 attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
name (String) : The Skill1 name.

Skill1 List 

Get skill1 list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "id": "6",
                        "name": "All"
                        "id": "8",
                        "name": "Manager Online Store"
                        "id": "10",
                        "name": " HR Manager"
                        "id": "11",
                        "name": "sales advisor"
                        "id": "13",
                        "name": "Engineer"
                        "id": "15",
                        "name": "Aban Abraham"
                        "id": "16",
                        "name": "Aban Ice"
                        "id": "17",
                        "name": "D/S Deep Venture"
                        "id": "18",
                        "name": "Atwood Hunter"
                        "id": "19",
                        "name": "Atwood Falcon"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 13,
                "page": 0

Create Skill1 

Create/Edit skill1
  • Response  201

Delete Skill1 

Delete skill1
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
  • Response  204
Next  Previous


Skill2 related resources of the eBoss API

Skill2 attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
name (String) : The Skill1 name.

Skill2 List 

Get skill2 list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "id": "6",
                        "name": "All"
                        "id": "8",
                        "name": "Manager Online Store"
                        "id": "10",
                        "name": " HR Manager"
                        "id": "11",
                        "name": "sales advisor"
                        "id": "13",
                        "name": "Engineer"
                        "id": "15",
                        "name": "Aban Abraham"
                        "id": "16",
                        "name": "Aban Ice"
                        "id": "17",
                        "name": "D/S Deep Venture"
                        "id": "18",
                        "name": "Atwood Hunter"
                        "id": "19",
                        "name": "Atwood Falcon"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 13,
                "page": 0

Create Skill2 

Create/Edit skill2
  • Response  201

Delete Skill2 

Delete skill2
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
  • Response  204
Next  Previous


Skill3 related resources of the eBoss API

Skill3 attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
name (String) : The Skill1 name.

Skill3 List 

Get skill3 list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "id": "6",
                        "name": "All"
                        "id": "8",
                        "name": "Manager Online Store"
                        "id": "10",
                        "name": " HR Manager"
                        "id": "11",
                        "name": "sales advisor"
                        "id": "13",
                        "name": "Engineer"
                        "id": "15",
                        "name": "Aban Abraham"
                        "id": "16",
                        "name": "Aban Ice"
                        "id": "17",
                        "name": "D/S Deep Venture"
                        "id": "18",
                        "name": "Atwood Hunter"
                        "id": "19",
                        "name": "Atwood Falcon"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 13,
                "page": 0

Create Skill3 

Create/Edit skill3
  • Response  201

Delete Skill3 

Delete skill3
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
  • Response  204
Next  Previous


Source related resources of the eBoss API

Source attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
name (String) : The Skill1 name.

Source List 

Get source list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "id": "5",
                        "name": "Friend"
                        "id": "7",
                        "name": "Magazine"
                        "id": "8",
                        "name": "Facebook"
                        "id": "9",
                        "name": "Other"
                        "id": "10",
                        "name": "Grand in the hand"
                        "id": "11",
                        "name": "Hayes"
                        "id": "12",
                        "name": "Reed"
                "message": "",
                "count": 7,
                "total": 7,
                "page": 0

Create Source 

Create/Edit source
  • Response  201

Delete Source 

Delete source
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Next  Previous

Candidate To Industry 

Candidate To Industry related resources of the eBoss API

Candidate To Industry attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
candidate_id (Number) : The candidate id.
industry_id (Number) : The industry id.

Candidate to Industry List 

Get candidate to industry list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "id": "1",
                    "candidate_id": "124",
                    "industry_id": "37"
                    "id": "2",
                    "candidate_id": "139",
                    "industry_id": "45"
                    "id": "3",
                    "candidate_id": "143",
                    "industry_id": "53"
                    "id": "5",
                    "candidate_id": "177",
                    "industry_id": "43"
                    "id": "6",
                    "candidate_id": "201",
                    "industry_id": "43"
                    "id": "22",
                    "candidate_id": "211",
                    "industry_id": "44"
                    "id": "24",
                    "candidate_id": "9509",
                    "industry_id": "53"
                    "id": "26",
                    "candidate_id": "0",
                    "industry_id": "53"
                    "id": "27",
                    "candidate_id": "0",
                    "industry_id": "53"
                    "id": "30",
                    "candidate_id": "122",
                    "industry_id": "44"
            "message": "",
            "count": 10,
            "total": 41,
            "page": 0

Create Candidate to Industry 

Create/Edit candidate to industy
  • Response  201

Delete Candidate to Industry 

Delete candidate to industry
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
  • Response  201
Next  Previous

Candidate to Job Title 

Candidate To Job Title related resources of the eBoss API

Candidate To Job Title attributes:

candidate_id (Number) : The candidate id.
job_title_id (Number) : The job title id.

Candidate to Job Title List 

Get candidate to job title list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "candidate_id": "0",
                        "job_title_id": "81"
                        "candidate_id": "0",
                        "job_title_id": "93"
                        "candidate_id": "3",
                        "job_title_id": "73"
                        "candidate_id": "114",
                        "job_title_id": "93"
                        "candidate_id": "122",
                        "job_title_id": "73"
                        "candidate_id": "124",
                        "job_title_id": "69"
                        "candidate_id": "139",
                        "job_title_id": "80"
                        "candidate_id": "143",
                        "job_title_id": "94"
                        "candidate_id": "152",
                        "job_title_id": "99"
                        "candidate_id": "168",
                        "job_title_id": "69"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 80,
                "page": 0

Create Candidate to Job Title 

Create/Edit candidate to job title
  • Response  201

Delete Candidate to Job Title 

Delete candidate to job title
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Candidate to Region 

Candidate To Region related resources of the eBoss API

Candidate To Region attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
candidate_id (Number) : The candidate id.
region_id (Number) : The region id.

Candidate to Region List 

Get Candidate to Region List
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "id": "7",
                        "candidate_id": "9509",
                        "region_id": "681"
                        "id": "9",
                        "candidate_id": "0",
                        "region_id": "720"
                        "id": "10",
                        "candidate_id": "0",
                        "region_id": "350"
                        "id": "11",
                        "candidate_id": "0",
                        "region_id": "681"
                        "id": "12",
                        "candidate_id": "0",
                        "region_id": "681"
                        "id": "13",
                        "candidate_id": "0",
                        "region_id": "681"
                        "id": "26",
                        "candidate_id": "9558",
                        "region_id": "464"
                        "id": "29",
                        "candidate_id": "9635",
                        "region_id": "344"
                        "id": "37",
                        "candidate_id": "9695",
                        "region_id": "639"
                        "id": "38",
                        "candidate_id": "10057",
                        "region_id": "700"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 11,
                "page": 0

Create Candidate to Region 

Create/Edit Candidate to Region
  • Response  201

Delete Candidate to Region 

Delete Candidate to Region
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Candidate to Skill 1 

Candidate To Skill 1 related resources of the eBoss API

Candidate To Skill 1 attributes:

candidate_id (Number) : The candidate id.
skill1_id (Number) : The skill 1 id.

Candidate to Skill 1 List 

Get Candidate to Skill 1 List
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "candidate_id": "119",
                        "skill1_id": "0"
                        "candidate_id": "126",
                        "skill1_id": "0"
                        "candidate_id": "128",
                        "skill1_id": "0"
                        "candidate_id": "129",
                        "skill1_id": "0"
                        "candidate_id": "130",
                        "skill1_id": "0"
                        "candidate_id": "131",
                        "skill1_id": "0"
                        "candidate_id": "132",
                        "skill1_id": "0"
                        "candidate_id": "133",
                        "skill1_id": "0"
                        "candidate_id": "209",
                        "skill1_id": "7"
                        "candidate_id": "211",
                        "skill1_id": "7"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 35,
                "page": 0

Create Candidate to Skill 1 

Create/Edit Candidate to Skill 1
  • Response  201

Delete Candidate to Skill 1 

Delete Candidate to Skill 1
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Candidate to Skill 2 

Candidate To Skill 2 related resources of the eBoss API

Candidate To Skill 2 attributes:

candidate_id (Number) : The candidate id.
skill2_id (Number) : The skill 2 id.

Candidate to Skill 2 List 

Get Candidate to Skill 2 List
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "candidate_id": "119",
                        "skill2_id": "0"
                        "candidate_id": "126",
                        "skill2_id": "0"
                        "candidate_id": "128",
                        "skill2_id": "0"
                        "candidate_id": "129",
                        "skill2_id": "0"
                        "candidate_id": "130",
                        "skill2_id": "0"
                        "candidate_id": "131",
                        "skill2_id": "0"
                        "candidate_id": "132",
                        "skill2_id": "0"
                        "candidate_id": "133",
                        "skill2_id": "0"
                        "candidate_id": "214",
                        "skill2_id": "0"
                        "candidate_id": "215",
                        "skill2_id": "0"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 28,
                "page": 0

Create Candidate to Skill 2 

Create/Edit Candidate to Skill 2
  • Response  201

Delete Candidate to Skill 2 

Delete Candidate to Skill 2
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Candidate to Skill 3 

Candidate To Skill 3 related resources of the eBoss API

Candidate To Skill 3 attributes:

candidate_id (Number) : The candidate id.
skill3_id (Number) : The skill 3 id.

Candidate to Skill 3 List 

Get Candidate to Skill 3 List
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "candidate_id": "119",
                    "skill3_id": "0"
                    "candidate_id": "126",
                    "skill3_id": "0"
                    "candidate_id": "128",
                    "skill3_id": "0"
                    "candidate_id": "129",
                    "skill3_id": "0"
                    "candidate_id": "130",
                    "skill3_id": "0"
                    "candidate_id": "131",
                    "skill3_id": "0"
                    "candidate_id": "132",
                    "skill3_id": "0"
                    "candidate_id": "133",
                    "skill3_id": "0"
                    "candidate_id": "214",
                    "skill3_id": "0"
                    "candidate_id": "215",
                    "skill3_id": "0"
            "message": "",
            "count": 10,
            "total": 27,
            "page": 0

Create Candidate to Skill 3 

Create/Edit Candidate to Skill 3
  • Response  201

Delete Candidate to Skill 3 

Delete Candidate to Skill 3
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Client Contact to Industry 

Client Contact to Industry related resources of the eBoss API

Client Contact to Industry attributes:

client_id (Number) : The client id.
industry_id (Number) : The industry id.

Client Contact to Industry List 

Get Client Contact to Industry list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "client_id": "119",
                        "industry_id": "0"
                        "client_id": "126",
                        "industry_id": "0"
                        "client_id": "126",
                        "industry_id": "61"
                        "client_id": "127",
                        "industry_id": "49"
                        "client_id": "128",
                        "industry_id": "0"
                        "client_id": "129",
                        "industry_id": "0"
                        "client_id": "130",
                        "industry_id": "0"
                        "client_id": "131",
                        "industry_id": "0"
                        "client_id": "132",
                        "industry_id": "0"
                        "client_id": "133",
                        "industry_id": "0"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 35,
                "page": 0

Create Client Contact to Industry 

Create/Edit Client Contact to Industry
  • Response  201

Delete Contact to Industry 

Delete Client Contact to Industry
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Client Contact to Job 

Client Contact to Job related resources of the eBoss API

Client Contact to Job attributes:

client_contact_id (Number) : The client contact id.
job_id (Number) : The job id.

Client Contact to Job List 

Get Client Contact to Job list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "client_contact_id": "24",
                        "job_id": "23"
                        "client_contact_id": "25",
                        "job_id": "20"
                        "client_contact_id": "35",
                        "job_id": "37"
                "message": "",
                "count": 3,
                "total": 3,
                "page": 0

Create Client Contact to Job 

Create/Edit Client Contact to Job
  • Response  201

Delete Contact to Job 

Delete Client Contact to Job
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Client Contact to Job Title 

Client Contact to Job Title related resources of the eBoss API

Client Contact to Job Title attributes:

client_id (Number) : The client id.
job_title_id (Number) : The job title id.

Client Contact to Job Title List 

Get Client Contact to Job Title list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 

Create Client Contact to Job Title 

Create/Edit Client Contact to Job Title
  • Response  201

Delete Client Contact to Job Title 

Delete Client Contact to Job Title
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Client Contact to Skill 1 

Client Contact to Skill 1 related resources of the eBoss API

Client Contact to Skill 1 attributes:

contact_id (Number) : The contact id.
skill1_id (Number) : The skill 1 id.

Client Contact to Skill 1 List 

Get Client Contact to Skill 1 list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "contact_id": "25",
                        "skill1_id": "8"
                        "contact_id": "283",
                        "skill1_id": "14"
                        "contact_id": "284",
                        "skill1_id": "15"
                        "contact_id": "285",
                        "skill1_id": "16"
                        "contact_id": "286",
                        "skill1_id": "17"
                        "contact_id": "287",
                        "skill1_id": "18"
                        "contact_id": "288",
                        "skill1_id": "19"
                        "contact_id": "305",
                        "skill1_id": "0"
                        "contact_id": "306",
                        "skill1_id": "0"
                "message": "",
                "count": 9,
                "total": 9,
                "page": 0

Create Client Contact to Skill 1 

Create/Edit Client Contact to Skill 1
  • Response  201

Delete Client Contact to Skill 1 

Delete Client Contact to Skill 1
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Client Contact to Skill 2 

Client Contact to Skill 2 related resources of the eBoss API

Client Contact to Skill 2 attributes:

contact_id (Number) : The contact id.
skill2_id (Number) : The skill 2 id.

Client Contact to Skill 2 List 

Get Client Contact to Skill 2 list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "contact_id": "25",
                        "skill2_id": "7"
                        "contact_id": "283",
                        "skill2_id": "9"
                        "contact_id": "284",
                        "skill2_id": "10"
                        "contact_id": "285",
                        "skill2_id": "11"
                        "contact_id": "286",
                        "skill2_id": "12"
                        "contact_id": "287",
                        "skill2_id": "13"
                        "contact_id": "288",
                        "skill2_id": "14"
                        "contact_id": "305",
                        "skill2_id": "0"
                        "contact_id": "306",
                        "skill2_id": "0"
                "message": "",
                "count": 9,
                "total": 9,
                "page": 0

Create Client Contact to Skill 2 

Create/Edit Client Contact to Skill 2
  • Response  201

Delete Client Contact to Skill 2 

Delete Client Contact to Skill 2
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Client Contact to Skill 3 

Client Contact to Skill 3 related resources of the eBoss API

Client Contact to Skill 3 attributes:

client_id (Number) : The contact id.
skill3_id (Number) : The skill 3 id.

Client Contact to Skill 3 List 

Get Client Contact to Skill 3 list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "contact_id": "25",
                        "skill3_id": "5"
                        "contact_id": "283",
                        "skill3_id": "9"
                        "contact_id": "284",
                        "skill3_id": "10"
                        "contact_id": "285",
                        "skill3_id": "10"
                        "contact_id": "286",
                        "skill3_id": "10"
                        "contact_id": "287",
                        "skill3_id": "11"
                        "contact_id": "288",
                        "skill3_id": "11"
                        "contact_id": "305",
                        "skill3_id": "0"
                        "contact_id": "306",
                        "skill3_id": "0"
                "message": "",
                "count": 9,
                "total": 9,
                "page": 0

Create Client Contact to Skill 3 

Create/Edit Client Contact to Skill 3
  • Response  201

Delete Client Contact to Skill 3 

Delete Client Contact to Skill 3
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Competency to Candidate 

Competency to Candidate related resources of the eBoss API

Competency to Candidate attributes:

ID (Number) :
UID (Number) :
Com_ID (Number) :
Com_Name (String) :
Tax_ID (String) :
Last_Used (DateTime) :
Exp_Time (Number) :
Evid_Sec (String) :

Competency to Candidate List 

Get Competency to Candidate list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "ID": "1",
                        "UID": "171",
                        "Com_ID": "021241",
                        "Com_Name": "MARKETING",
                        "Tax_ID": "249",
                        "Last_Used": "2013-11-20",
                        "Exp_Time": "63",
                        "Evid_Sec": "Found in WORK HISTORY; POS-1; POS-3; POS-4"
                        "ID": "2",
                        "UID": "171",
                        "Com_ID": "021241",
                        "Com_Name": "MARKETING",
                        "Tax_ID": "249",
                        "Last_Used": "2013-11-20",
                        "Exp_Time": "63",
                        "Evid_Sec": "Found in WORK HISTORY; POS-1; POS-3; POS-4"
                        "ID": "3",
                        "UID": "171",
                        "Com_ID": "021241",
                        "Com_Name": "MARKETING",
                        "Tax_ID": "249",
                        "Last_Used": "2013-11-20",
                        "Exp_Time": "63",
                        "Evid_Sec": "Found in WORK HISTORY; POS-1; POS-3; POS-4"
                        "ID": "4",
                        "UID": "171",
                        "Com_ID": "021241",
                        "Com_Name": "MARKETING",
                        "Tax_ID": "249",
                        "Last_Used": "2013-11-20",
                        "Exp_Time": "63",
                        "Evid_Sec": "Found in WORK HISTORY; POS-1; POS-3; POS-4"
                        "ID": "5",
                        "UID": "171",
                        "Com_ID": "021241",
                        "Com_Name": "MARKETING",
                        "Tax_ID": "249",
                        "Last_Used": "2013-11-20",
                        "Exp_Time": "63",
                        "Evid_Sec": "Found in WORK HISTORY; POS-1; POS-3; POS-4"
                        "ID": "6",
                        "UID": "171",
                        "Com_ID": "021241",
                        "Com_Name": "MARKETING",
                        "Tax_ID": "249",
                        "Last_Used": "2013-11-20",
                        "Exp_Time": "63",
                        "Evid_Sec": "Found in WORK HISTORY; POS-1; POS-3; POS-4"
                        "ID": "7",
                        "UID": "171",
                        "Com_ID": "021241",
                        "Com_Name": "MARKETING",
                        "Tax_ID": "249",
                        "Last_Used": "2013-11-20",
                        "Exp_Time": "63",
                        "Evid_Sec": "Found in WORK HISTORY; POS-1; POS-3; POS-4"
                        "ID": "8",
                        "UID": "171",
                        "Com_ID": "021241",
                        "Com_Name": "MARKETING",
                        "Tax_ID": "249",
                        "Last_Used": "2013-11-20",
                        "Exp_Time": "63",
                        "Evid_Sec": "Found in WORK HISTORY; POS-1; POS-3; POS-4"
                        "ID": "9",
                        "UID": "171",
                        "Com_ID": "021241",
                        "Com_Name": "MARKETING",
                        "Tax_ID": "249",
                        "Last_Used": "2013-11-20",
                        "Exp_Time": "63",
                        "Evid_Sec": "Found in WORK HISTORY; POS-1; POS-3; POS-4"
                        "ID": "10",
                        "UID": "171",
                        "Com_ID": "021241",
                        "Com_Name": "MARKETING",
                        "Tax_ID": "249",
                        "Last_Used": "2013-11-20",
                        "Exp_Time": "63",
                        "Evid_Sec": "Found in WORK HISTORY; POS-1; POS-3; POS-4"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 619,
                "page": 0

Create Competency to Candidate 

Create/Edit Competency to Candidate
  • Response  201

Delete Competency to Candidate 

Delete Competency to Candidate
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {UID: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Contact to Industry 

Contact to Industry related resources of the eBoss API

Contact to Industry attributes:

id (Number) :
contact_id (Number) :
industry_id (Number) :

Contact 2 Industry List 

Get Contact 2 Industry list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "id": "1",
                        "contact_id": "16",
                        "industry_id": "37"
                        "id": "2",
                        "contact_id": "17",
                        "industry_id": "48"
                        "id": "3",
                        "contact_id": "18",
                        "industry_id": "37"
                        "id": "4",
                        "contact_id": "19",
                        "industry_id": "49"
                        "id": "5",
                        "contact_id": "20",
                        "industry_id": "37"
                        "id": "6",
                        "contact_id": "21",
                        "industry_id": "58"
                        "id": "7",
                        "contact_id": "22",
                        "industry_id": "39"
                        "id": "8",
                        "contact_id": "23",
                        "industry_id": "39"
                        "id": "19",
                        "contact_id": "25",
                        "industry_id": "37"
                        "id": "21",
                        "contact_id": "24",
                        "industry_id": "37"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 27,
                "page": 0

Create Contact 2 Industry 

Create/Edit Contact 2 Industry
  • Response  201

Delete Contact 2 Industry 

Delete Contact 2 Industry
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Contact to Job title 

Contact to Job title related resources of the eBoss API

Contact to Job title attributes:

id (Number) :
contact_id (Number) :
jobtitle_id (Number) :

Contact to Job title List 

Get Contact to Job title list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "id": "1",
                    "contact_id": "21",
                    "jobtitle_id": "99"
                    "id": "10",
                    "contact_id": "53",
                    "jobtitle_id": "73"
                    "id": "11",
                    "contact_id": "53",
                    "jobtitle_id": "74"
                    "id": "12",
                    "contact_id": "53",
                    "jobtitle_id": "99"
                    "id": "13",
                    "contact_id": "283",
                    "jobtitle_id": "101"
                    "id": "14",
                    "contact_id": "284",
                    "jobtitle_id": "102"
                    "id": "15",
                    "contact_id": "285",
                    "jobtitle_id": "102"
                    "id": "16",
                    "contact_id": "286",
                    "jobtitle_id": "102"
                    "id": "17",
                    "contact_id": "287",
                    "jobtitle_id": "102"
                    "id": "18",
                    "contact_id": "288",
                    "jobtitle_id": "102"
            "message": "",
            "count": 10,
            "total": 19,
            "page": 0

Create Contact to Job title 

Create/Edit Contact to Job title
  • Response  201

Delete Contact to Job title 

Delete Contact to Job title
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Job to Industry 

Job to Industry related resources of the eBoss API

Job to Industry attributes:

job_id (Number) :
industry_id (Number) :

Job to Industry List 

Get Job to Industry list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "job_id": "1",
                    "industry_id": "37"
                    "job_id": "4",
                    "industry_id": "37"
                    "job_id": "5",
                    "industry_id": "38"
                    "job_id": "6",
                    "industry_id": "39"
                    "job_id": "7",
                    "industry_id": "39"
                    "job_id": "9",
                    "industry_id": "49"
                    "job_id": "10",
                    "industry_id": "53"
                    "job_id": "11",
                    "industry_id": "37"
                    "job_id": "12",
                    "industry_id": "49"
                    "job_id": "13",
                    "industry_id": "49"
            "message": "",
            "count": 10,
            "total": 44,
            "page": 0

Create Job to Industry 

Create/Edit Job to Industry
  • Response  201

Delete Job to Industry 

Delete Job to Industry
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Job to Job Title 

Job to Job Title related resources of the eBoss API

Job to Job Title attributes:

job_id (Number) : Unique identifier
industry_id (Number) :

Job to Job Title List 

Get Job to Job Title list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "job_id": "1",
                    "industry_id": "69"
                    "job_id": "5",
                    "industry_id": "80"
                    "job_id": "6",
                    "industry_id": "81"
                    "job_id": "9",
                    "industry_id": "93"
                    "job_id": "10",
                    "industry_id": "94"
                    "job_id": "11",
                    "industry_id": "70"
                    "job_id": "12",
                    "industry_id": "70"
                    "job_id": "13",
                    "industry_id": "98"
                    "job_id": "14",
                    "industry_id": "92"
                    "job_id": "15",
                    "industry_id": "75"
            "message": "",
            "count": 10,
            "total": 51,
            "page": 0

Create Job to Job Title 

Create/Edit Job to Job Title
  • Response  201

Delete Job to Job Title 

Delete Job to Job Title
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Job to Job Type 

Job to Job Type related resources of the eBoss API

Job to Job Type attributes:

job_id (Number) : Unique identifier
job_type_id (Number) : The candidate id.

Job to Job Type List 

Get Job to Job Type list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "job_id": "1",
                        "job_type_id": "2"
                        "job_id": "4",
                        "job_type_id": "2"
                        "job_id": "5",
                        "job_type_id": "6"
                        "job_id": "7",
                        "job_type_id": "2"
                        "job_id": "10",
                        "job_type_id": "6"
                        "job_id": "11",
                        "job_type_id": "2"
                        "job_id": "15",
                        "job_type_id": "2"
                        "job_id": "16",
                        "job_type_id": "2"
                        "job_id": "18",
                        "job_type_id": "2"
                        "job_id": "20",
                        "job_type_id": "2"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 28,
                "page": 0

Create Job to Job Type 

Create/Edit Job to Job Type
  • Response  201

Delete Job to Job Type 

Delete Job to Job Type
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {UID: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Job to Job Source 

Job to Job Source related resources of the eBoss API

Job to Job Source attributes:

job_source_id (Number) :
job_id (Number) :

Job to Job Source List 

Get Job to Job Source list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "job_source_id": "3",
                    "job_id": "23"
            "message": "",
            "count": 1,
            "total": 1,
            "page": 0

Create Job to Job Source 

Create/Edit Job to Job Source
  • Response  201

Delete Job to Job Source 

Delete Job to Job Source
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Job to Region 

Job to Region related resources of the eBoss API

Job to Region attributes:

job_id (Number) :
region_id (Number) :

Job to Region List 

Get Job to Region list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "job_id": "1",
                        "region_id": "685"
                        "job_id": "2",
                        "region_id": "740"
                        "job_id": "3",
                        "region_id": "707"
                        "job_id": "4",
                        "region_id": "369"
                        "job_id": "5",
                        "region_id": "369"
                        "job_id": "6",
                        "region_id": "368"
                        "job_id": "7",
                        "region_id": "369"
                        "job_id": "8",
                        "region_id": "694"
                        "job_id": "9",
                        "region_id": "738"
                        "job_id": "10",
                        "region_id": "369"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 56,
                "page": 0

Create Job to Region 

Create/Edit Job to Region
  • Response  201

Delete Job to Region 

Delete Job to Region
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Job to Skill 1 

Job to Skill 1 related resources of the eBoss API

Job to Skill 1 attributes:

job_id (Number) :
skill1_id (Number) :

Job to Skill 1 List 

Get Job to Skill 1 list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "job_id": "23",
                    "skill1_id": "6"
                    "job_id": "37",
                    "skill1_id": "7"
                    "job_id": "72",
                    "skill1_id": "11"
            "message": "",
            "count": 3,
            "total": 3,
            "page": 0

Create Job to Skill 1 

Create/Edit Job to Skill 1
  • Response  201

Delete Job to Skill 1 

Delete Job to Skill 1
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Job to Skill 2 

Job to Skill 2 related resources of the eBoss API

Job to Skill 2 attributes:

job_id (Number) :
skill2_id (Number) :

Job to Skill 2 List 

Get Job to Skill 2 list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "job_id": "23",
                    "skill2_id": "9"
                    "job_id": "56",
                    "skill2_id": "9"
                    "job_id": "67",
                    "skill2_id": "8"
            "message": "",
            "count": 3,
            "total": 3,
            "page": 0

Create Job to Skill 2 

Create/Edit Job to Skill 2
  • Response  201

Delete Job to Skill 2 

Delete Job to Skill 2
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Job to Skill 3 

Job to Skill 3 related resources of the eBoss API

Job to Skill 3 attributes:

job_id (Number) :
skill3_id (Number) :

Job to Skill 3 List 

Get Job to Skill 3 list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "job_id": "23",
                    "skill3_id": "5"
            "message": "",
            "count": 1,
            "total": 1,
            "page": 0

Create Job to Skill 3 

Create/Edit Job to Skill 3
  • Response  201

Delete Job to Skill 3 

Delete Job to Skill 3
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Manager to Candidate 

Manager to Candidate related resources of the eBoss API

Manager to Candidate attributes:

manager_id (Number) :
candidate_id (Number) :

Manager to Candidate List 

Get Manager to Candidate list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "manager_id": "100",
                        "candidate_id": "101"
                        "manager_id": "100",
                        "candidate_id": "102"
                        "manager_id": "100",
                        "candidate_id": "103"
                        "manager_id": "100",
                        "candidate_id": "104"
                        "manager_id": "100",
                        "candidate_id": "105"
                        "manager_id": "100",
                        "candidate_id": "106"
                        "manager_id": "100",
                        "candidate_id": "107"
                        "manager_id": "100",
                        "candidate_id": "108"
                        "manager_id": "100",
                        "candidate_id": "109"
                        "manager_id": "100",
                        "candidate_id": "110"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 147,
                "page": 0

Create Manager to Candidate 

Create/Edit Manager to Candidate
  • Response  201

Delete Manager to Candidate 

Delete Manager to Candidate
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Manager to Company 

Client Manager to Company related resources of the eBoss API

Job to Manager to Company attributes:

manager_id (Number) :
company_id (Number) :

Manager to Company List 

Get Manager to Company list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "manager_id": "122",
                        "company_id": "132"
                        "manager_id": "122",
                        "company_id": "133"
                        "manager_id": "122",
                        "company_id": "135"
                        "manager_id": "122",
                        "company_id": "136"
                        "manager_id": "122",
                        "company_id": "137"
                        "manager_id": "122",
                        "company_id": "148"
                        "manager_id": "122",
                        "company_id": "149"
                        "manager_id": "122",
                        "company_id": "150"
                        "manager_id": "122",
                        "company_id": "151"
                        "manager_id": "122",
                        "company_id": "152"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 30,
                "page": 0

Create Manager to Company 

Create/Edit Manager to Company
  • Response  201

Delete Manager to Company 

Delete Manager to Company
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Manager to Contact 

Manager to Contact related resources of the eBoss API

Manager to Contact attributes:

manager_id (Number) :
contact_id (Number) :

Manager to Contact List 

Get Manager to Contact list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "manager_id": "1",
                    "contact_id": "313"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "contact_id": "14"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "contact_id": "71"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "contact_id": "291"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "contact_id": "42"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "contact_id": "28"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "contact_id": "24"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "contact_id": "26"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "contact_id": "25"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "contact_id": "67"
            "message": "",
            "count": 10,
            "total": 62,
            "page": 0

Create Manager to Contact 

Create/Edit Manager to Contact
  • Response  201

Delete Manager to Contact 

Delete Manager to Contact
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Manager to Job 

Manager to Job related resources of the eBoss API

Manager to Job attributes:

manager_id (Number) :
contact_id (Number) :

Manager to Job List 

Get Manager to Job list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "manager_id": "1",
                    "job_id": "1"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "job_id": "10"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "job_id": "9"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "job_id": "8"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "job_id": "7"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "job_id": "6"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "job_id": "5"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "job_id": "4"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "job_id": "3"
                    "manager_id": "100",
                    "job_id": "11"
            "message": "",
            "count": 10,
            "total": 57,
            "page": 0

Create Manager to Job 

Create/Edit Manager to Job
  • Response  201

Delete Manager to Contact 

Delete Manager to Job
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Shortlist to Job 

Shortlist to Job related resources of the eBoss API

Shortlist to Job attributes:

shortlist_id (Number) :
job_id (Number) :

Shortlist to Job List 

Get Shortlist to Job list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
            "error": "",
            "result": [
                    "shortlist_id": "1",
                    "job_id": "1"
                    "shortlist_id": "2",
                    "job_id": null
                    "shortlist_id": "3",
                    "job_id": null
                    "shortlist_id": "8",
                    "job_id": "23"
                    "shortlist_id": "9",
                    "job_id": null
                    "shortlist_id": "10",
                    "job_id": null
                    "shortlist_id": "12",
                    "job_id": "27"
                    "shortlist_id": "13",
                    "job_id": "27"
                    "shortlist_id": "14",
                    "job_id": "16"
                    "shortlist_id": "15",
                    "job_id": null
            "message": "",
            "count": 10,
            "total": 98,
            "page": 0

Create Shortlist to Job 

Create/Edit Shortlist to Jobb
  • Response  201

Delete Shortlist to Job 

Delete Shortlist to Job
  • Request
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
    {id: 1}
  • Response  204
Next  Previous

Taxonomy to Candidate 

Taxonomy to Candidate related resources of the eBoss API

Taxonomy to Candidate attributes:

id (Number) : Unique identifier
UID (Number) : The candidate id.
parentID (Number) : The job title id.
rootId (String) : The job title id.
name (String) : The job title id.
TaxId (Number) : The job title id.
weight (Number) : The job title id.
percentOfOverall (Number) : The job title id.
percentOfParent (Number) : The job title id.

Taxonomy to Candidate List 

Get Taxonomy to Candidate list
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json 
                "error": "",
                "result": [
                        "UID": "171",
                        "parentID": "0",
                        "TaxId": "1",
                        "id": "20",
                        "rootId": "Sovren",
                        "name": "Sales",
                        "weight": "248.1",
                        "percentOfOverall": "14.25",
                        "percentOfParent": "14.25"
                        "UID": "171",
                        "parentID": "0",
                        "TaxId": "2",
                        "id": "21",
                        "rootId": ";",
                        "name": "Sales",
                        "weight": "248.1",
                        "percentOfOverall": "14.25",
                        "percentOfParent": "14.25"
                        "UID": "171",
                        "parentID": "20",
                        "TaxId": "3",
                        "id": "105",
                        "rootId": "Sovren",
                        "name": "General",
                        "weight": "248.1",
                        "percentOfOverall": "14.25",
                        "percentOfParent": "100"
                        "UID": "171",
                        "parentID": "21",
                        "TaxId": "4",
                        "id": "106",
                        "rootId": ";",
                        "name": "General",
                        "weight": "248.1",
                        "percentOfOverall": "14.25",
                        "percentOfParent": "100"
                        "UID": "174",
                        "parentID": "0",
                        "TaxId": "10",
                        "id": "6",
                        "rootId": ";",
                        "name": "Engineering",
                        "weight": "585.8",
                        "percentOfOverall": "13.71",
                        "percentOfParent": "13.71"
                        "UID": "174",
                        "parentID": "0",
                        "TaxId": "9",
                        "id": "5",
                        "rootId": "Sovren",
                        "name": "Engineering",
                        "weight": "585.8",
                        "percentOfOverall": "13.71",
                        "percentOfParent": "13.71"
                        "UID": "174",
                        "parentID": "6",
                        "TaxId": "13",
                        "id": "308",
                        "rootId": ";",
                        "name": "General Engineering",
                        "weight": "141.7",
                        "percentOfOverall": "3.32",
                        "percentOfParent": "24.19"
                        "UID": "174",
                        "parentID": "6",
                        "TaxId": "14",
                        "id": "265",
                        "rootId": ";",
                        "name": "Techniques",
                        "weight": "141.7",
                        "percentOfOverall": "3.32",
                        "percentOfParent": "24.19"
                        "UID": "174",
                        "parentID": "5",
                        "TaxId": "12",
                        "id": "264",
                        "rootId": "Sovren",
                        "name": "Techniques",
                        "weight": "141.7",
                        "percentOfOverall": "3.32",
                        "percentOfParent": "24.19"
                        "UID": "174",
                        "parentID": "5",
                        "TaxId": "11",
                        "id": "307",
                        "rootId": "Sovren",
                        "name": "General Engineering",
                        "weight": "141.7",
                        "percentOfOverall": "3.32",
                        "percentOfParent": "24.19"
                "message": "",
                "count": 10,
                "total": 82,
                "page": 0

Create Taxonomy to Candidate 

Create/Edit Taxonomy to Candidate
  • Response  201

Delete Taxonomy to Candidate 

Delete Taxonomy to Candidate
  • Response  204


To request support, please open a case here .


[March 15, 2016]
  • Fixed candidate edit issue
  • Added extra validation on candidate endpoint (candidate/edit). The following fields are now required: country_id, region_id

Example forms

Example implementation of eBoss API in PHP.

Show Example Forms

Job Search

Search Job based on the following attributes:

  • Job Title /Job Name
  • Industry
  • Industry
  • Salary
  • Country
  • Region
  • Coordinates (latitude/longitude)

In getting job list with related data such as Country Name, Region Name, and etc. , use the /custom/process/ instead of
/job/list/ . It is much flexible that way to get the job listing.

Example sql query for custom calls:

$query  =  " SELECT  job.*, link_job2region.*,  list_region.*, list_country.* , link_job2industry.*,link_job2job_title.*, list_job_title.*  FROM job 

LEFT JOIN link_job2region ON (link_job2region.job_id =
LEFT JOIN link_job2industry ON (link_job2industry.job_id =
LEFT JOIN link_job2skill1 ON (link_job2skill1.job_id =
LEFT JOIN list_region ON ( = link_job2region.region_id)
LEFT JOIN list_country ON ( = list_region.country_id)
LEFT JOIN list_skill1 ON (link_job2skill1.skill1_id =
LEFT JOIN list_industry ON (link_job2industry.industry_id = )
LEFT JOIN link_job2job_title ON (link_job2job_title.job_id = )
LEFT JOIN list_job_title ON (list_job_title.industry_id = ) ";

There’s Job Search PHP Class (Class Job), which developers can make use of and contribute to it. See common/JobSearch.php in the source files for reference.

Job Class has the following static methods/functions, which returns Array of job list:

  • Job::getKeywordSearchResult()– Returns job list based on keyword.


                          $parameters  = array(
                                 ‘keyword’  =>  ‘sample keyword value’ 
    $jobs = Job::getKeywordSearchResult($parameters) ;

    This will compare keyword with the job title, job.job_title (job name), industry name, salary, country name, and region name.

  • Job::getBasicSearchResult() – Returns job list based on the job.


                       $parameters  =  array(
                              “job_title” => “sample value”,   //job title /job name
                              “country” => “sample value”, //country_id
                              “region” => “sample value” ,   //region_id
                              “industry” => “sample value”, //industry_id
                              “salary” => “sample value”,   //salary range
                       $jobs =  Job::getBasicSearchResult($parameters) ; 

    This will compare keyword with the job_title_id, job.job_title (job name), industry_id, salary (using range filter), country_id, and region_id.

  • Job::getRadiusSearchResult() – Returns job list based on coordinates of the post code given.


                             $parameters   = array (                      
                                  ‘mile-radius’ => 10,
                                  ‘postal-code’ => ‘sample post code’
                              $jobs  =  Job::getRadiusSearchResult($parameters) ;

    This will extract the coordinates of the inputted postal code and compare it to the latitude and longitude of the job in the database.

Apply for a job

It uses the /xstatus/edit/ . Links job to candidate, which means the candidate applied to a job.
It requires two important fields. The candidate_id (the Id of the candidate to be linked to a job) and job_id (the id of the job). See thankyou.php in the source files.


                         $parameters   = array (                      
                              ‘candidate_id’ => 1, 
                              ‘job_id’ => 2,
                              ‘name’ => ‘CV submitted’,
                              ‘created_datetime’ => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
                          $xStatus  =  StandardEntity::createXstatus($parameters) ;

Register with CV

It parses the uploaded CV/Resume file and exracts information for registration. It uses /parsecvtk/index. See cvparse.php in the source files.

Example on how to parse CV:

//uploaded file $data = base64_encode(file_get_contents($_FILES[ 'cv' ]['tmp_name'])); $eBossClient = new EbossApiClient();
//returns array (converts xml response to array) $cv = $eBossClient->parseCv($data); print_r($cv);


Registers candidate which uses /candidate/edit.

                     $parameters  =  array(
                            first_name => “sample value”,   
                            surname => “sample value”, 
                            email => “sample value” ,   
                            main_phone => “sample value”, 
                            mobile_phone => “sample value”,   
                            work_phone => “sample value”,   
                            mobile_phone => “sample value”,   
                            address1 => “sample value”,   
                            address2 => “sample value”,   
                            added_datetime => date('Y-m-d'),   
                            created_from => “sample value”,   // example value is web
                            current_duties => “sample value”,  // employment history
                            UCNMCNotes => “sample value”,   //education history
                     $result  = StandardEntity::registerCandidate($parameters);


Upload File

Uploads file and attached it to candidate. It uses /files/upload.

                    $parameters  =  array(
                             candidate_id => 1,   
                             filename => “the name of file”, 
                             data => “@” . $_FILES[ 'cv'  ]['tmp_name'], //this means that it will be uploaded as file through curl  

                       $client  = new EbossApiClient();
                       $newFile  = $client->fileUpload($parameters);  


Client Registration

Create company and client. It uses /companies/edit and /client_contact/edit

                    $parameters  =  array(
                             date_created => "2015-02-12",   
                             created_from => “created from (example web) ”, 
                             company_name => “company name”, 
                             region_id => “region id”, 

                       $company  = StandardEntity::registerCompany($parameters);

                      if  ($company && isset ($company['last_insert_id'])) {   
                             $parameters  =  array(
                                 contact_name => "Contact name",   
                                 email => “Email ”, 
                                 main_phone => “main phone”, 
                                 region_id => “region id”, 
                                 country_id => "country id id”, 
                                 user_id => $company['last_insert_id'], 
                      $client  = StandardEntity::registerClient($parameters);
                      // is client created?
                       if ($client) {


Developers Notes

eBoss REST API has different architecture compare to RESTful API best practices.
It has included the junction tables to its resource, which in some cases is not necessary. And also, it has customs calls that gives you enough flexibility but it is not good in terms of data security. This is true to both version 1-1 and 1-2. As I have tried to develop example forms, which mainly utilized the API, I got some share of hardships implementing it.

List of all encountered issues:

  • Job list vs custom calls
  • Education history and Working history is not showing up on myoffice
  • xStatus issues
  • Radius search gives out of radius results
  • Job list endpoint limits
  • Job name is equal to job.title
  • Usage of job.created_from field
  • Importance of base_64_encode on CV parse and it's issues
  • ....

Job list vs custom calls

Custom calls gives you the flexibility needed to fetch all the data from the database while job list returns only the data from job table.
Job search feature for instance, which requires other fields from other tables (example is job's country name, regions, etc.), is not doable using the job list. Since you can only filter job based on fields listed under job list, there's no other way of doing it aside from using custom calls.

Education history and Working history is not showing up on myoffice

This is mainly caused by lack of information to know more about it on the API documentation. Candidate Info is the obvious choice a develper can have without knowing yet which resource to utilize on saving the education and working history of a candidate. It seems candidate info is deprecated but there's no information confirming if it is deprecated.

Candidate education history should be the UCNMCNotes field and employment history should be the current_duties field of job .

xStatus issues

xStatus is the table that links candidate to job, which means candidate applied to job. Candidate id, job id, date created must be provided to link job with candidate. Since the API is not forcing and checking these fields to be required, this must be carefully considered by the developer.

Radius search gives out of radius results

Extract coordinates from post code and get coordinates boundaries based on the mile radius given. This serves as filter for job list. Compare latitudes and longitudes against job longitude (job.longitude) and latitude (job.lattiude), where post code coordinates is the minimum coordinates and the boundary coordinates as maximum coordinates. This can be filtered through BETWEEN or just simple logic in mysql query.
Comparing those coordinates (post code and boundaries) against the job coordinates will return out of the radius jobs. One final step to weed out job that is not within the radius is to compute the distance between the post code coordinates and the job coordinates. Check the source of the sample forms for reference for the computation.

eBoss Recruitment Software